Shyness about going barefoot

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by Riley Perilleux, Dec 17, 2023.

  1. Riley Perilleux

    Riley Perilleux Members

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    So basically I like going barefoot however when It comes to people actually seeing my feet I just feel really uncomfortable and shy; sort of feels like everyone is staring at you. It wasn't really a problem until about Year 7 or 6th Grade to you Americans that I realised I'm way too shy to go barefoot. Later on during year 7 we had a school trip. I was in a massive room with roughly 10 people in it but It didn't really matter since we were all decently close anyway. Every morning there was a choice between going for a run or a swim by the beach, and being shy about showing my feet I obviously chose to do the run. Though I'd much have preferred to go swimming my shyness got to me and I never ended up doing the swim. Later on during the trip we were going to go surfing, and obviously, who the hell surfs in socks so then we all go into the changing rooms and get rid of our socks and shoes and get into wetsuits. There was a choice of wearing water shoes which would've been a life saver for me as I felt really uncomfortable without socks especially when most people had water shoes and only 1 or 2 were fully barefoot. Kinda Ironic since I told my mother not to pack them since I didn't need them, haha. On the final day of the trip the organisation who owned the place we were staying at had all students walk over a massive canvas after dipping their bare feet in paint. I remember doing something like this in year 3 but I was still very nervous to do it.

    After that trip I never really went barefoot apart from going to bed, swimming or at the beach. I was always conscious of my feet being exposed but it never really bothered me since I fit in with everyone else. There was this one time where in PE our teacher tells us what kit to bring prior to going to the lesson so we're prepared, however on this one occasion we were going to be doing it in the gym, rather than the pitch. As I was told I brought boots with studs, and it's impossible to wear boots on a flat surface. I just didn't wear shoes inside and I thought that was the end of it until the teacher said "everyone in socks take them off". Teacher really had to ruin it for me. It was literally me and one other person going barefoot playing dodgeball in front of everyone. I felt terrible and very uncomfortable. Especially in front of my friends who had never really seen my feet before. That day still haunts me but makes me realise how shy I really am. Even going barefoot in gymnastics gets me shy even when everybody else is going barefoot. Going barefoot to them doesn't bother them whatsoever and they seem very comfortable. I don't understand why I can't enjoy my life and do that.

    I really want to fix this and go barefoot more. Not necessarily going barefoot in public or anything, just comfortably taking my shoes and socks off and enjoying whatever I'm doing. Like for example enjoying PE without worrying about my feet. I can't even go barefoot in front of relatives like my mum, dad, auntie, uncle without feeling uncomfortable!! Got any tips to fix this anyone?
  2. Barefoot Larry

    Barefoot Larry Members

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    Just start going barefoot in private, then around others who are barefoot, maybe go to a park a walk around barefoot. I do this all the time. I walk along the blacktop walking path on the grass. When others approach I can remain next to the path or veer away. Since I am not concerned about being seen barefoot so I just walk on.
    There is nothing immoral or weird about being barefoot. Just start small and enjoy the experience.
    M_Ranko and riverman18 like this.
  3. goodearth

    goodearth Member

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    It's really ok if you decide that life is better for you if you cover your feet. The main thing is you are happy and fulfilled. If you want to experiment with your feelings, try barefooting in a place without other people and see if it makes you happy and feels good. If it does, keep doing it alone. Maybe you will never feel comfortable doing it around other people. That's ok too. Your fulfillment and happiness is what's important. Keep that in mind.
    Barefoot Larry likes this.
  4. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    I experienced the same feeling as you did. First off, it is very very common in adolescent males, it's completely normal and you aren't crazy. There are many posts here that tell similar stories and all are looking for that quick fix that sends them out in public blissfully and confidently barefoot. Sadly, there isn't one, at least from my knowledge. Bare feet in certain situations are completely normal and by that means no one is really paying any attention to your exposed feet unless you are in a given situation where being barefoot in very uncommon. So be that as it may you must get emotionally accustomed to being shoeless in public even in social norms and by the way that takes time, over and over again. The beauty of sandals and flip flops is that you can allow your feet to be exposed in all types of situations and at the same time, look totally acceptable. But again, you must experience these uneasy thoughts of others seeing your feet time and time again. Each time you gain a bit more confidence and with the repetitive actions your new more confident thoughts will soon over shadow your old negative thoughts and you finally then gain the confidence you have been so desperately searching for.
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  5. Riley Perilleux

    Riley Perilleux Members

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    I don't actually want to go fully barefoot, just in regular situations without feeling uncomfortable. I get what you're saying and to be honest If it wasn't winter I would love trying to go out in just flip flops. Last year as my family worr flip flops, i'd be wearing socks and shoes which were extremely hot haha. Anyway after I got home from school today, I took off my shoes and socks and went barefoot for the rest of the day trying to build confidence.
    Barefoot Rick and Barefoot Larry like this.
  6. todaystomsawyr

    todaystomsawyr Members

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    Sounds like a good start. A lot of it is just....the difficulty in making a major change in the way you've always done something. It's going to take some "exposure therapy" to gradually get used to being seen in bare feet...
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  7. BarefootBiGuy

    BarefootBiGuy Members

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    I don't think I have ever been shy about showing my barefeet in public although there is sometimes apprehensiveness when I start a barefoot walk or go barefoot in a shopping centre etc. An example that I can think of is if I go on one of my long barefoot walks I will be quite shy when I start, for example if other people are walking towards me I might cross to the footpath on the other side of the street! After a while I just mentally "forget" that I am barefoot and it doesn't worry me.
    What does concern me is if I meet someone that knows me but doesn't know I am a barefooter! This is especially the case with work colleagues, that really freaks me out! In saying that however it has never happened in all the years I have been going barefoot.

    I guess here in Australia it's a lot easier to go barefoot. It is quite common to go to shops in summer (or any time of year!) and see other people barefoot. It's probably not as common as it was back in the 1970's and 80's.

    Don't be shy of your barefeet, enjoy the freedom and comfort that comes with the barefoot lifestyle!
  8. Riley Perilleux

    Riley Perilleux Members

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    Yeah, to be honest, It's honestly just the way my big toe looks is the problem.. It's angled aggressively upwards, it's not a medical thing, it's just the way it's shaped I guess.
    Barefoot Rick and Barefoot Larry like this.
  9. Barefoot Larry

    Barefoot Larry Members

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    Riley, I get it most everyone is self conscious about some part of their body. Even those who seemingly have a near ten body head to toe have something they wish was different and they are self conscious about it.
    Going barefoot is about your own personal enjoyment of your bare feet being in contact with the earth.
    99.9% of people will not notice or if they do they won’t comment. That would just be rude. Now you might have to take a few hits from family, but just tell them you can’t help the way you look and it hurts you when they make fun.
    I have been watching a lot of videos on feet, joints and exercises to strengthen and improve them. Perhaps there are some exercises to correct what you don’t like.
    Bottom line going barefoot in America is counter culture even to many in the so called counterculture crowd. If you enjoy being barefoot, then be barefoot. If people don’t like the way your feet look, they don’t have to look at them.
    Don’t miss out on the joy of being barefoot over a toe.
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  10. Riley Perilleux

    Riley Perilleux Members

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    I have been searching and found no luck, but I've made myself realise my toes arent all that bad lol.
    Barefoot Rick and Barefoot Larry like this.
  11. natureboy3

    natureboy3 Members

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    I used to be just the same as you, would never show my feet and felt really uncomfortable when I had to. Got over it by just being barefoot more and more and now it actually feels weird wearing socks
    Barefoot Rick and Barefoot Larry like this.
  12. todaystomsawyr

    todaystomsawyr Members

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    I...don't really see anything the least bit off dude. If you went barefooted more they'd probably revert to a more natural shape also.
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  13. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    To the OP: I must concur with the thoughts presented here about going barefoot in private as much as you can. You don't have to advertise your preferences and likes to anyone. It is always you who chooses your time and place for something like this. If, however, you do wish to be able to barefoot in public, choose situations where it's not considered strange, but rather the expected thing to do. Beaches, public pools, maybe a nice park. Maybe even some sport that is traditionally practiced barefooted. This guarantees that people won't bat an eye even if they do see your feet. Also, consider this: Total strangers don't actually know about these thoughts that you're having. They don't know that feet are a sensitive thing to you. Try to feign a little bit of false confidence, and I guarantee you that nobody will give you a second glance just because of your feet. Especially, if you decide to wear something completely ordinary like sandals without socks, which is only what every other person will wear on their feet on a hot summer's day. Trust me, in sandals during summer you don't stand out nearly as much as you seem to think. And if you have to take them off for some reason, you now have the perfect excuse to go fully barefoot.

    As for family members, it's up to you to decide how "out" you want to be with them. But unless they're like total psychos, I can't see them being that interested in the end. This coming from a guy who himself was a stricktly shoes only person until his mid-20s, when I converted to bare feet. Step one, barefoot to your heart's content in private settings, get used to the various sensations, and just seeing them uncovered and exposed. You're always the first person who must learn to stand the sight of your own bare feet. Once you crack that, it gets easier from there. And anyway, it's not like anyone will ever know, when you're alone...
    Barefoot Rick and Barefoot Larry like this.
  14. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    your feet look totally normal
    Barefoot Rick and riverman18 like this.
  15. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    I dont know been there done that with the foot shy but Im over it, I am like so far way over it, if I am flirting with a chick withing 10 minutes Im telling her I like bare feet being barefoot its fun.

    Going against the social norm like going into home depo barefoot ive done it but other times grab the flip flops. Ya id like to be barefoot but lets just give in do my shopping.

    If the foot shyness is a thing maybe don't try jump right into total barefoot busting social norms go out in flip flops.

    Get cool ones spend like $100.

    Thinking about it the root foot shyness I had was mostly I felt vulnerable what if I get into a fight, need shoes to fight good. I dont know about 2023 but in my days in middle school a fight was always a possibility.
    Barefoot Larry likes this.
  16. Riley Perilleux

    Riley Perilleux Members

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    It's more the angle of the big toe..
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  17. Riley Perilleux

    Riley Perilleux Members

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  18. todaystomsawyr

    todaystomsawyr Members

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    Same from this angle dude. I don't see anything unusual at all!
  19. Barefoot Larry

    Barefoot Larry Members

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    Yep, they look normal enough. Get out there and enjoy barefooting.
    Barefoot Rick and Barefoot-boy like this.
  20. Riley Perilleux

    Riley Perilleux Members

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    Fair enough lol, will do
    Barefoot Rick likes this.

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