So I like a clean fresh feeling and I started using my hand held shower head to wash my ass and I started finding there is a spot just in front of my anus that is very sensitive. As I rinse that area if I get the water temperature just right I have the most intense orgasms. It is not my anus but a little forward of it and I don't ejaculate but I have intense spasms and a jolt goes up my spine then it settles down. I'm usually a little light headed and short of breath after. It must be stimulating the prostate but I thought the prostate was deeper inside.
Well the cliterous has a nerve structure that runs all through even deep in the vagina... Maybe your nerves simply extend far enough out that they are stimulated there. Sounds nice. Guessing you are super clean! LoL
That is the perineum, aka the taint. Nerves located there run directly to the prostate or internal clitoral structure depending on guy/gal.