Should Jesus be idolized and is that breaking the first commandment?

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by GreatestIam, Nov 25, 2018.

  1. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    Should Jesus be idolized and is that breaking the first commandment?

    We idolize ideals. Yahweh commanded that no other name be put above his, as man’s ideal for a God. Jesus himself defers to Yahweh; till dogma puts him in the judgement seat, yet many Christians ignore Yahweh and have turned Jesus into the main idol of Christianity. They point to a new covenant that cannot exist as God never changes his mind, according to dogma.

    Christians and all who worship Jesus, it appears to me, are breaking the first commandment as they are idolizing Jesus. Yahweh will not be pleased with this.

    Is this thesis accurate and are many Christians breaking the first commandment?

    I know that some Christians will throw the Trinity concept into this but please do not as I will not argue against that ridiculous concept.

    Whose name do you put as your ideal, Jesus or Yahweh?

    Here are hints to their perspective characters.

  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    In the old testament God also said he should be worshipped individually and not en mass. So, Christians do mass. -shrug- so idolising Jesus during mass.. Could be like two big sins overlooked.

    I do like solo/individual worship though. God was probably onto something there, he most definitely realised that individuals need their own way of worship rather than a focussed group worship.
  3. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    Nothing new there. Most sages before and after Jesus promote meditation or fasting to help focus our minds to spiritual maters.

    You could be right about the multi-sin aspect but I would think the hypocrisy is more sinful than the mass part.

  4. inthelibrary

    inthelibrary Members

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    The is the Jehovah, the creator of all things and then there is Jesus, his only begotten son. It is Jehovah you must worship with spirit and truth
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    A lot will say though that jesus was God, or I have read similar theories about the subject, so if that was true then worshipping jesus would be worshipping God and if jesus spoke under the guise or action from God, then I really see no problems with anybody worshipping jesus.

    God seems to play very little roles in most tales anyway, it's about deciples and heroes and jesus and mortal men.
    GreatestIam likes this.
  6. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Most Christians believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, which says that Jesus, Yaweh, and the Holy Spirit are mystically three "persons" in one God. This is said to by a "mystery", incomprehensible to human minds and taken on faith. The First Commandment requires us to worship only the One God, and to put no other Gods before Him. But Trinitarians think this is perfectly consistent with the worship of Jesus as one of the "persons" of God. Hindus have a somewhat similar concept in the Trimurti, in which the Brahmin or Absolute Reality is expressed as Brahmin (Creator), Vishnu (Sustainer), and Shiva (Destroyer). In the Christian rendering, the Father is will or creative energy ; Jesus is Logos (Word, Truth, Wisdom Incarnate or rationality/understanding; and the Holy Spirit (Shekinah) is the source of divine spiritual inspiration or emotive energy animating believers and the Church. Recall that humans are supposed to be created in the image and likeness of God, and that Freud conceptualized the psyche in terms of three components: superego, ego, and id.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2018
  7. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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  8. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    Yet J W show the cross at the front of the church and not anything of Yahweh which indicates that they idol worship Jesus and not Jehovah.

  9. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    Yep. They mostly cut Yahweh right out of things.

    Note how they expect Jesus to return. Not Yahweh.

  10. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    Along with consciousness and subconscious to the point where it is all gibberish.

    If the three heads in the Trinity are not the same and all know the same, then they are a hierarchy with Yahweh at the top. That is not monotheism which is what Christianity touts itself as.

  11. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Christians think of it as monotheism because of the idea that there are three persons in one God--soft monotheism. As mentioned, Hindus do something similar with the Trimurti, the three aspects or manifestations of the Brahman. Metaphysical arguments like this strike me as futile, since there's no way of settling the argument empirically, although these issues have led to some of the Church's most serious schisms. Historically, the concept wasn't part of original Christianity, and isn't spelled out in the Bible. But it was inferred from various passages during the second century and was espoused by the early church father Tertulian in the third century and refined by Athanasius in the Fourth Century, when it became established by councils of the Church. So there was politics involved. The Trinity concept is considered a "mystery"--meaning that it seems incomprehensible or contradictory to humans but is an actuality. The bottom line is that Christians don't see a contradiction between the Trinity and monotheism, and it's their religion.
  12. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    They also do not have a problem idol worshiping a genocidal son murdering God.

    Do you trust their moral and intellectual judgement?

  13. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    clearly trolling. Okiefreaks response was eloquent and accurate. I doubt he even read it.
  14. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    I answered the "son murdering God" part on another thread. Briefly, that would only apply to substitution or vicarious atonement theories of the crucifixion, which I don't ascribe to. I prefer Luke's interpretation.
    Luke's Interpretation of Jesus' Death | HuffPost
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2018
    Running Horse likes this.
  15. inthelibrary

    inthelibrary Members

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    No cross, that is idol worship
  16. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    This stuff always just boils down to one simple thought. Is my personal faith better than another's? No one can provide any irrefutable evidence that Jesus was or wasn't God, that he was or wasn't a part of some indefinable unknowable trinity, or that he, as a man, even actually existed. This is the nature of faith, to believe with the deepest place in your heart in something, & everyone does this every second of every day.

    What you, the OP, determine to be idolatry others see as a deep unknowable, unquantifiable Truth. A thing of pure beauty in it's mystique.....Who are you to say that Truth is wrong? What evidences have you of it only being truth? If none.....well accept your Truth & let theirs be..........after all is not all truth Truth?
    McFuddy, Flashdown and Okiefreak like this.
  17. I find the whole thing kind of sick, to tell you the truth. A whole person becoming synonymous with an image of himself nailed to a cross. He's supposed to come back, too. What do people think, that he's going to like, gently grasp their crucifix and be like, "Oh, cool. Thanks for thinking of me." Honestly, if Jesus came back and upset the social order and people thought they were going to lose their luxury estates, they'd just hate him and be like, "Crucify that guy."

    I don't think people think about this kind of stuff in realistic terms. A guy that wants to be worshiped? Uh, YEAH. Good luck with that. If some guy comes along who can walk on water, but otherwise he's like, totally not into the way the western world lives their lives, no one will like him. They'll all point to verses talking about how wolves come in sheep's clothing and what not. Jesus is supposed to come back and kill a whole lot of people, right? Or something? People like to act all tough, but I'm not sure they're truly prepared for freaking Armaggedon. Like Joe Q. Public really wants to suddenly be disposed of the comfort of his home and have to deal with being a soldier in some war against evil with fire and brimstone raining down from the sky...I don't think so.

    But yeah, I don't think Jesus is supposed to be worshiped. Imagine talking to a woman (or man) who adulates you, big hearts in their eyes, and you keep trying to tell them about God, your father in Heaven, his many rooms and what not, and at the end the person is always just like, "Oh Jesus!" Swoon! And then I guess Jesus would get a big head and be like, "Well, I am kind of cool."

    On the other hand, there's something to be said for adulating a person rather than a God. I just don't get why people focus on this Jesus character. It seems like they must feel alone, somehow. A person doesn't have to be perfect to be admired so. We're all basically still just children somehow. When we were kids we had somebody, usually a mom or dad, that felt more love for us, hopefully, than they'd ever feel for Jesus. A mom or dad picks up their kids and even Jesus, ideally, is the farthest thing from their minds. And if Jesus deserved all of the admiration he supposedly gets, that would make him something far removed from human. And that's a terrible thing to do to a person. To remind them constantly.

    Hopefully Jesus did get to come back once upon a time and he was just a regular old dude with a wife and kids and got to lead a happy life for once.
    GreatestIam likes this.
  18. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Jehovah's Witnesses think Jesus was crucified on a stake, not a cross, and that He was not God but rather God's creation, probably the Archangel Michael. So the charge that they worship the cross or Jesus instead of Jehovah seems unlikely.
  19. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    You might like that interpretation better but yours is not what the vast majority go by.

    Many do make up their own interpretations to try to make the mainstream one more moral but they are not swinging the majority.

    You are still left with a genocidal satanic God even without substitutionary punishment.

    Are you so forgiving with Hitler and Stalin?

  20. GreatestIam

    GreatestIam Member

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    So is naming a God.


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