Should I be pissed off?

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by Domicrow, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. Domicrow

    Domicrow Guest

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    :peace:OK so I dont really know whether or not to be pissed off about this, so me and a friend usually smoke a lot together and its really good usually. Oh by the way i nearly always pay because i have a job (since we started he has spent about £30 on weed and i have spend about £300 and we ALWAYS share it 50/50) Last week he decided that after i had spent £20 on some quality stuff to invite his brother and his brothers mate Ash round to share it (even though they payed fuck all towards it) that was kinda fun i guess but i was abit annoyed about it. Now this week it was his birthday and he got some money and said that on the weekend he would buy £30 worth for a change so i was happy and today he messaged me saying he spent it all on booze and week with the same guy, Ash and his brother. He said he still had about £20 left but i was kinda pissed off at him at the time so i said "i might not bother come round then" changing my mind about 30 seconds later. After i told him that i wasnt serious and i was gonna come over he tells me that he just messaged Ash again and he is coming round to smoke it all with him. Also i wont be able to get any more money for a while so this was my last opportunity to smoke at least until 2014. Should i be annoyed at him or what? :peace:
  2. Domicrow

    Domicrow Guest

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    Actually Y'know what nevermind man he just messaged me again saying that he sent Ash home and saved all the weed =) man I love my friends =) Peace and Love :peace:
  3. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    cool story bro.
  4. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

    Likes Received:
    3,604"]Scavenger Smoker - Half Baked - YouTube
  5. LornaDoom

    LornaDoom Senior Member

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    just share and never expect anything back, that is the best way
  6. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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  7. sunshine186

    sunshine186 midnight toker

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    you lost your job because you're smoking way too much. so get another job, learn how to be a functional stoner,
    and keep 2014 green. :sifone: I don't give a shit what kind people you smoke with
  8. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    never smoke dope with a pokemon...
  9. sunshine186

    sunshine186 midnight toker

    Likes Received:
    but squirtle's so cute

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