This place needs a GOOD shot in the arm. Lets get it back, back to what it useddddddddddd to beeeeeeeeee
Opiate users are generally not a happy, energetic bunch. I don't think you're going to have a lot of luck.
I dont know about this man. This place was THRIVING when I was first a member ages ago. I think thats a dangerous stereotype saying were not a happy bunch
IDK man -- I use Opiate pain meds 60MG Oxycontin and 10MG Norco and I am very happy and have lots of energy. I love my life and everyone who is in it. In fact before my Neck Surgery and pain meds I was a terrible mess. Very moody and depressed due to all the pain I was in. Although I still have the pain (After Surgery) My left arm has come back and is useable. The pain meds allow me to ENJOY MY LIFE and have a life. If it wasn't for Opiate pain Meds I would still be a Miserable SOB
Does everybody have a favorite vein? I know u shouldn't use the same ones over and over but I rarely shoot anything but when I do old faithful never fails, that sucker is huge it's impossible to miss.
I dont shoot but Ive been told that my veins are a junkies dream. Super easy to find. Stick out without a turny
I had a favorite vein. That vein is so collapsed... it's kinda funny.. I was at the lab and the lab tech was trying to draw 7 veils of blood out of that vein the other day (2 days ago) and, well, I TOLD her she wouldn't get that vein and she didn't. Anyways, my point is... I had a fav vein and a second fav and they are no more. Wish back at the beginning, when I was so into those veins that I would have rotated more.
Yeah, I think I almost fucked that vein up too one time but it's okay now...once all the good veins are gone shit would get a lot tougher, a lot harder and a lot less fun trying to hit one.
Well, after killing my arms I never had to beyond my hands. If you rotate w them there are tons of veins there. I remember how hard it was at first to get into them cause I wasn't used to it and how much they swelled up/hurt...but that didn't last. Became easy.
I think pretty much any vein can be hit, but the really tiny ones would probably blow out easy. I've almost blown out a few where it made like a big lump that took a long time to go away...I knew not to fuck with that vein anymore.