I found some short stories I had wrote 15 years ago. I am quite disturbed by them to be honest. I wish adults would have seen this stuff when I was younger, o well I ended up okay, sorta.... You ever find things that are really old and think it was insane what you were looking at.
Sort of. When I was younger I used to write graphic horror stories. I don't think it meant anything other than that I had a vivid imagination. In modern times, I think people really overreact to children showing signs of morbid curiosity. It isn't always a bad thing, but it's conditioned out of us quickly.
They must be archived elsewhere because i can only go back to may of 04' http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=823&f=51 Hotwater
http://www.hipforums.com/modules/Archives/index.php? Spans 2001-2004 There are also archives that go back further than that, but I cannot seem to find them.
My mom kept things like stories and art work from when we were little. I will say that my writing has improved slightly but my art has not improved at all. My stick figures are just as pathetic today as they were then.