Hi. I used to take anri depressants. I havent for some years but i feel my sexual functioning is not what it should be. Im 38. I have weak erections which go down again when i start having sex. My question is, does anyone know of a good sex pill which increases virility and libido? There are so many on the market i dont know where to start. There was an excellent one years ago called vigorex forte. It was so so good. But its discontinued. Nothing else has worked the same. Also, what about taking testosterone? Does anyone have experiences with it? I need advise. Thanks
Testosterone will work wonders! The only thing is that sometimes your libido will get worse after you stop taking it. I took steroids for years and unfortunately ended up going to prison. Since I was in prison, I didn't care much about my sex drive. It took some time for it to come back. While on testosterone, you will be like a horny teenager though!
First, Don't waste your money on those advertised sex enhancement pills. Go get your T-Level checked. Best thing I ever did for myself. Second, Diet and exercise will really help your stamina. I also take L-Arginine. It is a Amino acid and very good for blood vessel health. More blood getting to the penis always helps with the erection. Don't expect a cure all in a pill bottle. You have to put some physical effort into it. Eat right and limit your alcohol intake. I drink a lot of water daily. It helps me with my cum volume. Hope this helps. I am a senior guy that has a great sex life at 63.
My testicles stopped producing testosterone in my mid 20's which is way too soon. They shut down due to a pituitary tumor. I've been taking testosterone for a long time. Testosterone will work but only if your levels have been confirmed to be low. You never want to take testosterone if your levels are already normal. The synthetic testosterone will cause your testicles to shut down and atrophy and it can take a long time for them to start working again. This is why people joke about a bodybuilder's balls shrinking from steroids. Anabolic steroids are simply synthetic versions of testosterone. Bodybuilders do "cycles" of anabolic steroids. After they finish a cycle, they take other drugs to get their body to resume producing natural testosterone again. So, get your testosterone level checked and ask your doctor to prescribe something if your levels are low, but don't mess with it if you are normal.
Interesting ...I’m going to try L-Arginine. I don’t have a problem with my T-level but once is a while I get a little limp. Thanks for the tip.