First off, let me explain the literal part. I've been feeling lost and confused a lot lately and asking my guides and the powers that be for help through dreams. They are revealing a lot of truth about me but have not been satisfying my wishes of something to get me out of feeling lost. Before taking a nap today, I yelled at them in my mind, "JUST TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" In the dream I had, it was around 6 AM on a weekend morning when I knew I could sleep in and had set my alarm for 11 AM just in case so I wouldn't oversleep through the entire day. My mom (not biological, step, the primary mother figure who raised me) came in and started trying to wake me up and get me out of bed. I informed her that it was the weekend and it was fine for me to sleep in and that I'd set my alarm for 11. She walked out of the room and I remember being unable to fully get myself back to sleep. As usual in past waking life, she had the TV blaring loud and I remember laughing or talking to myself when half awake about something funny that was on the TV. She came in again around 10:30 trying to wake me up and I misread my alarm's display as 10:50 so I told her in 10 more minutes my alarm would go off. She walked out of the room again, but from then on was yelling at me from another room asking if my alarm had gone off yet or if I was ready to wake up. I then checked a second time and saw it was 10:30-something and reminded her it would go off at 11. She still didn't care and persistently yelled at me to get out of bed or start at least opening my eyes and waking up, etc. and this went on until my alarm, accidentally set on low, started a faint beeping. She was in disagreement as my clock was a little slow and her TV show had started its 11 AM run a couple minutes before I claimed I heard beeping. I got up and ran down the hall to the bathroom, feeling the need to go #2, and remember warning mom that I'd be in the bathroom and that I had to go. I had a minor problem of one getting stuck on the way out if ya know what I mean and as soon as I realized that, I could hear mom yelling for me wondering where I was because she absolutely had to go to the bathroom now. This is when it got scary insane and the constant yelling started. I answered that I was in the bathroom and she yelled that I didn't tell her so when in fact I knew I had as I was running down the hall. Some pouches of laundry detergent fell off the cabinet shelves in front of me and I piled them on another shelf on top of some black thing that I thought was a book or magazine. Mom yelled another inquiry if I was done in the bathroom and what was that racket of knocking things over, to which I answered it was laundry stuff I was moving to the more secure shelf. She then whined that I would get laundry detergent all over her computer and when I pulled the black thing out, it was a tablet. I set the tablet by all her other print magazines that were strewn about and she suggested that maybe I could resolve the problem by reading one of her magazines. I whined that they were 'old people" magazines (I was either in my 20's in this dream or my current age of 30, which would've made her in her 60's or 70's) and that I wasn't going to read them, I just wanted to concentrate on pushing the stuck thing out. Mom then started in on how it always takes me 2 hours to get ready and I'm never courteous of anyone else in the house and she still really had to go. I got up, cracked open the door with my clean hand, and yelled that I still wasn't done yet and to leave me alone because the stress wasn't making it any better. She then asked if I had wiped myself yet or was opening the door with dirty hands because I obviously couldn't carry my voice like that sitting behind a closed door on the pot. So, I closed the door again and went back to trying to push and squeeze my way to being done, amidst constant questioning if I was done yet. I'd finally finished with a, "There, are you happy?!" and stomped off toward my room as mom slowly walked down the hall and was only in the bathroom for a quick pee. I gathered a bunch of my clothes and things and muttered through gritted teeth to myself, "It's a good thing next weekend is Labor Day! I'm packing my shit and getting the fuck out of here!" and that's when the dream ended. The ending was surreal because, of course, it's almost Labor Day at present and in my feelings of being lost, I've contemplated packing as many of my worldly possessions as I can manage to take, running from my current isolated living situation, and randomly traveling across country until I find what really feels like home. Also, mom passed away back in 2009 and I'm hoping like Hell our scary yelling match didn't indicate tensions between our souls as I automatically consider passed-on family as my spirit guides and don't have functional, unconditionally loving family left in my regular Earth life. When I yelled to be told what to do after being lost, I didn't want to be yelled at quite like that!