Scalar Reality

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by wooleeheron, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Study suggests that physical processes can have hidden neural network-like abilities (

    For the last week I've been thinking about scalar effects we might find caused by everything obeying yin-yang dynamics, and this is the most clear example I've come across. Yin and yang ruling the universe means the principle of identity falls apart entirely over vast scales and magnitudes, and everything should display recursive fractal patterns. Thus far, neurologists and physicists have discovered that the brain does a drunkard's walk, between order and chaos, which is what a phase transition such as a boiling pot of water does too. Walking that fine line between order and chaos, turns out to be the most efficient way to process data, and appears to be the fundamental recurring fractal pattern I was thinking about.

    Action and reaction only have meaning because we pay attention to the arrow of time, but time isn't linear. It implies that whether we decide anything is a thought or a memory determines whether we view it causally, and we are merely focusing our attention to a greater or lesser degree. Note that, although they are breaking all this research down into its fundamental physics, they have yet to determine what is humor, consciousness, or awareness, and are the Three Stooges looking for explanations as to why each other is so stupid.

    They are describing how the Quantum Observer Effect applies on macroscopic scales, obeying a fractal pattern. They simply need to combine this work with that of the newest networking system logic, to prove we occupy a singularity, making everything self-organizing. These researchers are focused on intelligence, but actually making our own choices, is the more crucial issue.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    The most interesting factor here, is while heating to its boiling point causes it to expand, thus as it cools in the oceans below the temperature of the water below it sinks, thus preventing surface ice, all this turns around at 3 degrees centigrade, since as the coefficient of cubical expansion reverses, ice crystals cannot form and sink to the bottom.
    Without this, the ice caps would not have formed in the first place, resulting in only around 30% of the UK being above water. Visiting the Titanic would involve digging it out or the ice. This could create further problems, since without cold water at the bottom of the oceans, the build up of geothermal energy could only be released through volcanic eruption, compounding the problem until all the land was underwater, with just the volcanos sticking out.
    Both you and I would be sitting on our rafts posting on HF until our rafts bumped into each other.

    On a serious note.
    But for that strange phenonium, intelligent life on earth would not exist.
    ~Zen~ likes this.
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Water is believed to become an extremely solid conductor of hydrogen ions, inside planets like Jupiter, while there are seven distinct known types of ice. In other words, it expresses both the properties of a fluid and a solid, in a sort of spectrum that becomes more diverse, the colder the temperature becomes. Spacetime that doesn't have a temperature, always leaves me cold.

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