Savants Of The Server

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by BakerJLee, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. BakerJLee

    BakerJLee Members

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    Have been needing a much sought after, required, desired, urgently, friared bit of rest and relaxation. From aches and loads of writing (both poetry and prose) in multiple genres, settings, horizons, epochs.

    This includes research into the Sci Fi side of life on the planet, since---spaceships and in-space propulsion have become increasingly relevant to both near-side (that is cis-lunar,shoot the moon, lucille ball and doris lessingheimer paradigm and logasequence) and far side speculation, prophecy, economic analysis, direction,management.

    Attmpting and solid go at James Joyce. Ulyzzes in a day would be more than ironic;it would be molybdenum painful. LOL.

    Would love to hear from Futurists, 5th-Wavers, and Hippies of the Phil Lesh/Bob Weir/Dave Grisman extraction.

    Lee "Jerome Maxwell" Baker

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