So my friend and I were planning on trying salvia this weekend because as far as we knew it was legal in South Carolina. When he went to a headshop they said that it was illegal in Columbia. Does anybody know if this is just a citywide law? If it is does anyone know of a good place to get ahold of it within South Carolina? We've done our research, and I am as prepared as I can be without actually using it now, but I don't know where to get it.
Wouldn't it be easier to Google the laws instead of creating a profile on a forum and asking random people? Just saying
I have spent about an hour searching on Google and as far as I can tell it is legal in South Carolina. They attempted to pass a bill in 2008 to make it a Schedule I drug but it died in the committee. I haven't found anything to do with it being illegal in Columbia, so I decided to see if I could get insight from anyone who might happen to be close by and uses it. So yes it would be easier to Google it but I was unsuccessful at finding anything and wanted further insight on where to get it. Hope that clears it up a little bit.
Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure I heard it was officially outlawed in South Carolina early this year (2013).