Salvia + Blue Lotus

Discussion in 'Salvia Divinorum' started by Warr, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Warr

    Warr Member

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    Today I went to a local convenience store to buy some salvia. I didn't really read the label, but what I ended up buying was something called 'Salvilotus', which is apparently a mixture of blue lotus and salvia. On the package it says "40x + 20x Salvilotus extract", and is called 'Egyptian Delight'. Something that is making me a bit nervous is that there doesn't seem to be much information about his online, and also quite a few things are spelled wrong on the package (intentional?). The red 'THE STANDARDIZED' with a reversed Z is the same as other regular standardized salvia packages, but on the back it says '' instead of '' (the salvia site).

    Any idea if this stuff is safe? I just want some reassurance so that if I smoke this I don't completely freak out. Thanks.
  2. Doug Batkin

    Doug Batkin Newbie

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    I have the exact same package! Did you smoke it? What did a 1 gram envelope cost you? Thanks...
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    That guy was last seen, Aug 15, 2008... I wouldn't expect an immediate response.
  4. rob_hr

    rob_hr Members

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    I’ve taken a lot of blue lotus so I know it’s safe, as far as with salvia I would assume it’s safe as lotus is a pretty soft chemical.

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