Jon (Showmet) and I have officially named Sal the Official Whippersnapper of the UK forum... For I just can't keep up with his devilish ways and trickery... That Young Cheeky Whippersnapper is just well... A young cheeky whippersnapper! :O So lets all convince him to put it in his signature and proudly display his title to the world! Come on people we can do it! The world must know!
I don't think that's quite what whippersnapper means my freudian minded friend. And no, I shall never put such a degrading title in my signature you big bully you....
Well it's what it means to me And Jon, too! And I'm not a bully... *runs* Jon said it first Jon said it first!
oooooohh stig of the dump we read that in primary school ooh i wanna read it again...we hadta make cave weapons in class when we read it an i made an axe with wood and a stone tied on wiv string or summit wow now i gotta read it again.... ahhh stig of the dump......
nomy, thats pretty vicious coming from you! wonderful! but it's also true, i've always contended that sal is a damn slag
ha ha! me,? vicious??! never..... he he. yeah he knows its true... ha ha ha!! am i the only one on these forums that hasn't been with another member?? namaste x x x
JobCentre Plus can also vouch for Salman being a slag. He felt up sensitive areas of the JobCentre Plus so that we would give him more dole money. Unfortunatly JobCentre Plus is a soft touch. Sal, why don't you ever call!
Here you go what the online dictionary has to say about the word whippersnapper. Love & Giggles (behind the church) EnonEmouse 3 entries found for whippersnapper. whip·per·snap·per ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hwpr-snpr, wp-) n. A person regarded as insignificant and pretentious. [Alteration (influenced by whip), of dialectal snippersnapper.] [Download or Buy Now] Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. whippersnapper \Whip"per*snap`per\, n. A diminutive, insignificant, or presumptuous person. [Colloq.] ``Little whippersnappers like you.'' --T. Hughes. Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. whippersnapper n : someone who is unimportant but cheeky and presumptuous [syn: jackanapes, lightweight] Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University