[size=+2]Hearts Smarts: Racism Just Ain't Cool [/size] [size=+1]Featuring the acting styling's of Frolixo, Sonik, and The Sungod.[/size] [size=+2]ACT I[/size] Hello there, my name is Chikinn Maashere, and I would like to share a important lesson I've learned with you folks. It was a lesson I never forget for as long as I live. One fine Sunday afternoon I was watching an adult video on my VCR, and drinking some Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. I was very sleepy due to a vigorous masturbation session, and the beer starting to compound this fact. I started to doze off, unaware of the danger lurking right outside my house, waiting for the right moment. As soon as I drift away to the magic unicorn valley with frolicking gnomes and rassleberry waterfalls, a SWARTHY AFRICAN wonders into my house looking for goods to plunder while I snore away. He could've taken anything and I would have survived, with one exception, my VCR. Being a very lonely man with ill social skills, I rely on my vast amount of video tapes for company. It was the one thing I could not bear to part with. A quick getaway, while I your narrator, was none the wiser. "What the fuck! My VCR!!" I shouted in dismay. Feeling like I just got hit by a truckload of sadness, I curled up in my closet and cried, feeling raped and violated. After the tears came rage, and I wanted payback, as well as my VCR. I decided to give Sheriff Roscoe a call at the local police department.
[size=+2]Hearts Smarts: Racism Just Ain't Cool [/size] [size=+2]ACT II[/size] I knew that Sheriff Roscoe was a man of his word, so I confided in him the terrible crime that had occurred in my place of residence. He seemed very upset with the crime and adamant on solving the case. I told him that the only thing I found outside by the bushes was an empty bucket of KFC, and some watermelon rinds. I asked him "what could this mean Sheriff Roscoe?" Sheriff Roscoe told me that based on the evidence, and the fact that the crime was thievery, it must be one of those crack head Negroes that stole my VCR to sell for some more hits of crack rock. He went on to inform me that black people are the root of all the problems in America today, and that they rape and cannibalize young white women in angry packs after basketball games. Now I've never been racist before, but Sheriff Roscoe made some really good points, and I was still really mad about losing my VCR. After thinking about it for awhile, I informed the Sheriff that I would like to subscribe to racism, and he sent me a package with my racist starter kit along with some hilarious racist cartoons.
hahaha....that's so funny...I was so disappointed with myself after I watched American History X because I agreed with so many of the points he made. But then...I'm german..... Nice uniform.
[size=+2]Hearts Smarts: Racism Just Ain't Cool [/size] [size=+2]ACT III: Endgame[/size] After that I was pretty racist for a while. I scowled anytime I saw a black person on TV, and avoided the WB channel entirely. One day I was watching Friends (a show just for pure white folk) while drinking a few beers, and started to doze off again. That's when the unbelievable happened: The thieving negro came back! This time the target was my PS2! The cheeky black bastard! Thankfully I was not fully asleep, and I snuck behind the burglar, prepared to defend my property against black Mongol hordes! The struggle was not an easy one. He had the strength of 100 oxen and was mad with terror. I grabbed for his chin so I would not be bucked by his wild thrashing... A mask! This was no normal negro thief in the night, but something much more sinister. But who??? It's Sheriff Roscoe! "FOUND OUT!", screamed the Sheriff, dropping my PS2 to the ground. Before I had time to react, Sheriff Roscoe delivered a mighty uppercut to my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. With that, the Sheriff made a hasty retreat out the way he came. I started to gather my senses, realizing what just happened. I realized that I had been tricked into being racist by a corrupt Sheriff, shifting the blame to the kindly black people of this country, when in fact he was the mastermind behind these evil schemes. I had let my anger blind my judgment, and I let the hate consume me. Since this incident, I have learned to love all races, since we are all God's creatures and deserve to be treated as humans beings, without crass generalizations. Except for white people. They stir up hate and are the puppet masters for all the grief and misery in the world today. KILL WHITEY!! ZE END! Thank you please visit us at www.superevil.tv
hahah I love the sheriff running pose. Very funny. I too agree with alot of what he said in that movie. I love AHX, its one of my fav movies.
Did any of you guys ever see Jason Flatowicz's site? It's not up anymore, but it was JasonFlatowicz.com and it was awesome. He had little stories like that and lots of awful yet brilliant "poetry." It was really him sitting at his desk at work rambling in verse..... I loved him...
that had me in stitches....no....really! i tried the cool stunts and errrrr.......lets say i'm the worse off for it now! damn negroes....jk