Ron Paul Blasts Secret Gov't

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by Dayzed Dreamer, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. gardener

    gardener Realistic Humanist

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    Or how about testimony before the House by an Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security (dated 2006):

  2. Hiptastic

    Hiptastic Unhedged

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    No I'm just so bored of going around in circles. I'm not asking for evidence that the SPP exists or that people oppose it, I'm asking for evidence that it is some conspiracy to merge the USA and Mexico or that it sets commerce policy or in fact does anything that anybody should be obsessively paranoid about it.

    But gardener thinks that if i ask a question and he cuts and pastes a link to something about SPP, it doesn't matter if the link has anything to do with what I asked.

    For example instead of showing the SPP is bad, we show that some pundits think its bad, and some politicians think its bad. We are supposed to believe its bad because other people think its bad, not because we can show you anything bad about it.

    I mean they banned witchcraft in Scotland in the 1500s. Does this prove witchcraft existed and was bad? No.
  3. gardener

    gardener Realistic Humanist

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    If it's just a trivial conversation between three countries, and there is so much resistance to it, then let's just disband it. Besides I don't think US can afford to budget for such an inconsequential partnership as you outline Hip. And with members sitting on it's boards from many failed financial institutions, I no longer see it's value.

    And by the way I've never considered it a conspiracy of any sort. I see it as an end run by Bush to undermine the authority of Congress.
  4. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    I see, fair enough.
    It doesn't seem your questions are being answered.
    I've been there before, ask one question, people respond to something completely different.
    A lesser man or woman could be blinded by gardeners details.
    I do admire him for his detail, even if like you say, it does not prove what you wish to find the answer for.
    I am going to look into what he has said though.
  5. Hiptastic

    Hiptastic Unhedged

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    No, I don't want it shut down because that would reward people who sabotage free trade by spreading ridiculous fearmongering.
  6. drew5147

    drew5147 Dingledodie

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    lol... free trade...
  7. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Hip loves Orwellian newspeak and doublespeak. He pretty much believes everything at face value. To question it means you're delusional. Nevermind the fact that free trade is not free at all. It's heavily managed trade based around massive bureaucracy. But they call it "free" trade, so it must be free. Didn't you know that ignorance is strength and war is peace? What's wrong with you, you thought criminal?
  8. Hiptastic

    Hiptastic Unhedged

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    Please talk about my conspiracy theory! PLEASE I BEG YOU!!!!
  9. Fyrenza

    Fyrenza Queen of the Ians

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    i see what you're saying here, but basic math dictates that,

    if you have X amount of resources per citizen,

    and you add, say M = 109,955,400,

    BUT only 1/4 X amount of resources... blah, blah, blah...

    Something like that is self-evident, and sort of shouldn't need explaining,

    'cuz it's sort of boring... :eek:
  10. Fyrenza

    Fyrenza Queen of the Ians

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    He sort of reminds me of H. Ross Perot, back in the day.

    That poor, poor man and those HUMONGUS ears...

    He might have won if it hadn't been for those ears. ;)
  11. Fyrenza

    Fyrenza Queen of the Ians

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    Has it ever occured to you that the truth never changes?

    Just saying...

    It seems like you had a lot to say, but where is any supporting evidence for your claims? We're sort of used to links and all.
  12. Fyrenza

    Fyrenza Queen of the Ians

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    What's up with hating on folks that want a RETURN to our Constitution and a MORE LIMITED government???

    Cripes! Let me guess...

    They worship some sort of Birch Branch in secret, obscene displays of patriotic frenzy? :rolleyes:
  13. Fyrenza

    Fyrenza Queen of the Ians

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    It isn't that i don't see it coming, too ~ heck, for some oblivious reason, we don't seem able to defend our borders, and if that's the case, then we might as well not even have borders, you know?

    Especially with the Dems pushing for socialization ~ they want to help those folks, and i really don't have a big problem with that ~ it's just that right now, the U.S. can barely afford to pay attention, let alone take on more program-dependent citizenry, that will only make the pot LESS for the poor we already have.

    Sooner or later, everyone is going to figure out how to get along with each other. And it isn't just that it HAS to happen, in order to preserve the human race, it's also that we WANT it to happen, 'cuz it's easier being happy than it is being mad. :rofl:

    Have you ever wondered about the Conspirators? What their Big Plan is? i mean, if all they want is money and power, well, even that gets old. And they would have to be thinking that if they let everything turn to crap, all of their money and power wouldn't amount to much, so they'd better keep their power-base at least semi-happy... You know, if they ruin all of us, it ruins all of them, too.
  14. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Money is a means to their end. They control the flow of money. Ultimately money in and of itself means little to them. Their ultimate goal is control and power, and this ties in with their religion. Yes, there is a religion the elite of this world practice, and that religion is Freemasonry, or, more specificially, the Kabbalah (and not the base stuff Madonna practices).

    The intergenerational, interbreeding elite see themselves as separate from us commoners. To them we are cattle and completely expandable. They envision a utopia for themselves and their brethren -- a new Garden of Eden with just enough genetically-engineered slaves to serve them on the global plantation. That means that a good number of those who are reading this won't be here to see this utopia, which will be a utopia of the chosen few, for the chosen few.

    The ultimate power these people are after lies in their plan to reduce the world's population by way of wars, pestilence and famine. They want a world government to have better control over the people so their agenda can be met.

    That is what this is all about.
  15. Hiptastic

    Hiptastic Unhedged

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    What is 'M'?
  16. Fyrenza

    Fyrenza Queen of the Ians

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    Population of Mexico ~ i got too depressed to like extropolate the whole GNP's for the 3 countries, against the Populations of the countries to divide out the GNP, per citizen, before and after merger.

    But see ~ that's what i don't understand. It isn't important to me to "see the math" ~ i can already see it. For you, it does seem important to see it, but instead of just looking it all up, then coming back and proving me wrong, you throw the burden of proof, and subsequent expenditure of time and effort,


    i feel pretty certain that someone, somewhere, has already figured all of this out, and, HT? Good luck finding it.
  17. Fyrenza

    Fyrenza Queen of the Ians

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    Okay, so we agree that the money gets old. The luxury gets old.

    But i mean, so does Power, i would think. i mean, it seems like there are only so many things you can order people to do, or cause to happen, before all you REALLY want is for everyone to just leave you alone for a while.

    Horrible as this sounds, i really wonder if those folks are actually "Trying To Help" and the whole entire situation has backfired on them... (Hey! THAT just happened to ME, and i promise that i was only trying to help!)

    Don't get me wrong ~ i DO NOT feel like we're to be treated as children, nor as backwards oafs, lied to, or protected from our own stupidity, as it were.

    It's just that things can sure spin out of control in the beat of a heart...
  18. drew5147

    drew5147 Dingledodie

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    Imagine being treated as slaves...
  19. Fyrenza

    Fyrenza Queen of the Ians

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    Not all slaves were treated badly, necessarily.

    Even within our own slave populations, although there were some absolutely horrible "masters," there were plenty of good ones, too, that did their best to take care of their, and believe it or not, they DID think of their slaves in this light, extended family/workforce.

    Don't forget that women were the first slaves ~ forced to produce the workforces that made each and every homestead across America possible (and before that, for us moldie-oldies, the Ancient Civilizations! ;) ).

    That was how folks thought ~ multiply, and you can manage even MORE land/livestock/crops/whatever. THAT's why the idea of slaves was a (supposedly) good one ~ you could buy a workforce, ready to go, without waiting for your sickly wife to provide you with enough SONS.

    i'm sorry that the female slaves were sexually abused, but that was the big idea ~ the more, the merrier, to be terribly crass about it.

    i guess that was the first of what we now think of as gainful "employment" ~ only the slaves worked a certain "field," (no pun intended), FOR EVERYTHING THEY COULD POSSIBLY NEED to live and to have a little fun, too. Was it great? Heavens to Murgatroyd, NO! For [any of them, slaves or masters, for the very reasons i outlined above ~ piss 'em off, you're a dead man walkin' ~ do 'em right, and you can produce more of whatever, with more joy, and all of the rewards agape love can give any of us. (That's why God keeps winning, btw, and always will. We were made in HIS image.)

    The thing is, when you're allowed to go wild, there's only so far you can go before you absolutely disgust yourself with yourself, and you meltdown. Payback and Kharma are a true bitch, folks...

    THAT happened to them, too. Those horrid ones ~ the perverts? The mores of the society caused them to begin hating themselves as much as the society hated their actions.

    There was a moral code that you did NOT step over the line of without KNOWING exactly where you were going ~ an evil place, that was unacceptable to the rest of the people.

    Continued below, okay?
  20. Fyrenza

    Fyrenza Queen of the Ians

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    How many of us, practically upon arrival on the internet,


    explore the world of Porn?

    <~ hangs head, cannot refute

    Are you still doing that?


    What happened?

    ummmmmmmm, i sort of like S&M, light bondage, like that ~ what can i say? :eek:

    What i found ended up haunting me. There was a beautiful lady, young, that i STILL have nightmares about because of what i saw done to her in still photos. They didn't kill her, but i don't know what happened, to tell you the truth.

    i disgusted myself with myself. i was horrified by what i saw ~ i wasn't expecting that, believe me.

    And because of the evil i let in?

    Sex has never been the same...

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