So, I'm writing a completely fiction novel, and the main character has herself in a bind. I want this part of the novel to be realistic so i'm asking you guys some questions. For the novel. Main character's name is Alice. She lives in Wisconsin. She was riding in the passenger seat of the vehicle of her boyfriend (Skippy) with 3 of their buddies (Thomas, Aloysius, and Ned) in the backseat, driving out towards some country roads. They are all over 18. One friend Thomas in backseat is packing a bowl, getting ready for this awesome roadie. Pulled over by police for a dead breaklight. Police have everyone exit the vehicle; there is a K-9 unit. The cops cuff them and search everyone's person; one friend Aloysius has a grinder on his person. The cops survey the vehicle; a grinder and two marijuana smoking pipes are laying on the seat in plain sight. All 5 of them are taken to the police station where they are spoken with individually. Alice chooses not to sign the Miranda papers, pleading the 5th and refusing questioning. Thomas also refuses questioning, as does Ned. Aloysius accepts questioning, but only says "you know what you found on my person; that is mine. I don't know anything about anything else." Skippy also accepts questioning, but all he says is that he doesn't know anything about anything found in the backseat, except that Alice had nothing to do with it. All 5 friends are arrested for possession of paraphernalia; Aloysius is also arrested for possession of THC. Skippy also gets a ticket for not having insurance. Court date for everyone is in a month or so. They go home and proceed to get (more) drunk. The as-of-now anonymous grinder and one of the pipes belong to Skippy, and the other pipe belongs to Aloysius. Alice doesn't want to get charged for anything because none of the stuff was hers, but she doesn't want to rat on her friends. Ned already has a paraphernalia charge on his record and doesn't want to become a felon, and none of the stuff was his, either. What should this group of fictional friends do to minimize trouble? Keep in mind they're broke ass white kids. thank you!! addition: Up until this point, Aloysius, Alice, and Skippy have clean records. Thomas has one disturbing the peace on his.
Yeah that is the code of the stoner. If you want these characters to be accurate they should do that. Usually only the people who admit to ownership of drugs of paraphernalia are charged. Even if other people are in the car it is possible for them to not be charged. But there is always the chance for an asshole cop.
Unless it was a spontaneous tail light going out right before getting pulled over; a good stoner wouldn't be toking up in a moving vehicle when they know they're riding in a heat score. We're paranoid as it is. In my rural stoner driving, I've seen an occasional cop but unless it's an actual roadblock thing, I'm not sure I'd buy that K9 units would be doing random back road patrol.
*facepalm* Lol ... they didn't know the taillight was out, and the friends weren't quite on the country roads yet. They were driving past the county jail, actually. So what should Alice do if the guys don't own up? And, if such an event were to happen exactly as I described, are there any technicalities with cops not following procedure that they could take advantage of?
annie should rat them out for being assholes annie should tell them first so they have at least another chance to man up
That shit won't hold up in court if no one talks..just sayin' Otherwise I agree with BBAD...sounds like somebody got caught slippin' . If it was my shit I wouldn't say shit to the cops but I'd go down for it before I let my "friends" go down for it. Usually they say they're gonna charge everyone so that somebody admits to it then they got me by the balls..they admitted to it. Also, I've never heard of anyone getting charged with "possession of THC"... Possession of marijuana, that would be like if you had pharmaceutical THC "Marinol" and I still think that would be "poss of controlled substance or dangerous drugs" Sounds like some next level bullshit to me.....da fuck outta here! Let's put some more kids in our jails for smoking weed....I guess the cops are too pussy to fuck with the real dangerous sickos out there that would dent them the fuck up on the sidewalk for trying to even think about putting handcuffs on them!
I am confused as to why they would not too. The only thing I can think of is most people will not be comfortable doing it or will not really understand they can. Like most people assume that talking to police will help them. It takes some knowledge and balls to look them in the eye when they question you and say nothing. Everything about the process is meant to make you nervous and to think "if I talk this will be over". And when you say no the cops will drag out getting you an attorney as long as possible. Once again to make it difficult for you. To make you rot in the cell for a bit since you are not making it easy for them.
Cops get taught some basic social engineering bad I know that game far better, and I don't play games Lock me up now, or I'm walking away. There really ain't shit to talk about