Yesterday the republican senate tried to defund planned parenthood because of sales of fetal tissue. So not only are they trying to destroy women's healthcare, but also the health of children that the fetal tissue would help. Cons claim to be pro life, but this proves the opposite is the case. "A woman voting for a republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders." A Hispanic voting for a republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. A black person voting for a republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. A middle class person voting for a republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. People with children voting for a republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But if you're a 1%er, the GOP is your party.
Bush said womens health was over funded. Then the "mis-spoke-clarify" mode kicked in. Those repubs are precious.
The "War on Women" is a smokescreen to hide the "War on Babies". Abortion is already legal. Using them as spare parts for "research" is just plain disgusting. I can't imagine going to sleep wondering if something I created was being used in this manner. Is there REALLY a "benefit" to this? A serious question. Which babies have been "saved" by this research? And why are so many aborted babies disproportionately black? Finally, if this wasn't a gruesome practice, why was it kept SO quiet? Will we next be making sausages out of them? And why the fuck is it a "political" issue?
There is nothing being kept "quiet". There is nothing to keep quiet. Anyone who thinks that PP is selling human organs that came from a zygote has no business commenting on the issue to begin with without educating themselves on the topic first. Like...oh no...they are selling baby zygote hearts to Satanists!!! Silly. I could show you a zygote from human cells, fish cells and elephant cells and you wouldn't be able to pick out which was which. This entire thing is a silly distraction/smear and most of the people who are enraged over it have no fucking idea what a zygote is....except for that someone told them it's a human baby who was murdered. I'm not slamming you George but you strike me as a brighter person than to be taken in by this nonsense.
is there a benefit to stem cell research using fetal tissue? That's really a serious question, George? fetal tissue is only used by consent, it hasn't been kept quiet, and I'm not going to expound on the benefits of stem cell research because that's common knowledge.
At 10 weeks the "zygote" has hands, feet and the other features so sought after by the "researchers". We can debate this without getting personal with each other. Being "bright" has little to do with the issue. It has become hopelessly politicised. If we are going to raise "zygotes" to be spare parts, fine, let's lay it all bare. Sure, we all start out in the womb as fish, lizards and mice of a sort, and I am not totally against the process of using these parts to actually advance health sciences as long as everyone concerned is honest and forthright about it. But watching this turn into a political football is absolutely as disgusting to me as jailing addicts and acting like we are doing them a favor. If the doctors are certain of the benefits, we should all know them. All this cloak and dagger bullshit doesn't build my confidence. And the odd tie-in with the "War on Women", which is supposedly the exclusive domain of the GOP (another political lie) is where I find this to be the most disturbing. Why all the deflection? Are they indeed planning to turn our unborn into human or animal feed? Our planet is sick on so many levels. Is what I'm suggesting SO fucking "impossible"?
Yes. My own uncle's life was extended by shoving a lot of money to a clinic in China who managed to stave off his leukemia for nearly 8 years. All of it based on stem cell research the US wouldn't touch. With these recent revelations I am convinced that the wealthy in the US are currently benefitting from these therapies while the rest of us suffer AND supply the raw materials. It's a disgusting and most ghastly plan if you look at it from above. Of course, if you totally trust the government and the wealthy who lord over the rest of us, none of this is a problem at all!
I used the term "bright" because I think you are obviously a bright person and I respect that. The rest of the be honest...doesn't bother me at all. I just don't care if women get abortions and I don't care what happens to the aborted cells. They are just cells to me. I killed millions of them when I sprayed weeds in my yard last weekend. If aborted cells can be used for research...great. Otherwise, throw them in the garbage. No big deal to me at all...even if they are starting to take form. I do have a certain spiritual belief but that doesn't come into play until much later so it's not an issue for me either.
Tis cool. I only look to the future of all of this. Will there come a time when we have to justify this sort of thing to actually feed people? Would the survival of our species be drawn down to this animal level? We already have fools who think being an "alpha male" is a good thing while an "Omega" is not. But we are not animals. We are sentient and supreme on this planet. Why emulate beasts? One of the reasons I prefer to have humanity reach for the stars is because if we simply stay here and languish on this overpopulated planet with dwindling resources, we'll turn on each other. And this issue seems like the genesis of those times. If we grind our young into sausages to feed fattened rich people, what have we become?
It's interesting that, on one hand, you talk about languishing on our over-populated planet and then talk about how we grind up our young.
They got caught on video admitting to it, I don't see why anyone is going into denial mode over it, or acting oblivious about it, like they don't understand the nature of the beast. It simply is what it is.
Planned Parenthood is federally subsisdised with your tax dollars, they also had enough money to put funds into Obama's coffer twice. I'd say they aren't hurting for money.
If the republicans really have some sort of monopoly on being in bed with the rich? how come our president bailed out wlal street his first year in office?
I've seen this coming for a long time. It has haunted me like a vivid nightmare. With so much potential humanity so often reverts to the primitive side. Consuming our young is something we used to do well after they were born by pushing them into war in an effort to extend the life span of our rulers and "holy" men. Now we seem to be perfecting the practice without having to invest in expensive weapons. Today's barbarism occurs in crisp, clean offices and clinics and anyone who doesn't agree is a heretic to the rest. As an old man I have come to realize just how horrible our world has become in the modern age. We have become incrementally numb to the life and death issues that our primitive ancestors had to accept for being part of the food chain. They had no choice. Do we not?
How dare you? Don't you know the truth is sexist/racist/elitist/species-ist?!?!?!?!? It's amazing to me how this whole issue has become a political opportunity. Who can claim moral high ground?
There is no profit in it for Planned Parenthood. Look here: and here:
Is women's health care an entity that can be destroyed? Certainly the government can cut off funds to a program but that doesn't stop us caring for women's health. I don't know the particulars but the language doesn't work. We cannot cut off our care. Mom would be sad. Bunch of nuts arguing about what can't happen unless you let it. careful now...
I am seriously flabbergasted as to where George is making the leap that these fetal cells are actual going to be raised in a lab until they're big enough to be ground up and fed into the human food supply?????? Say what?? the video that started this was heavily edited. It has never been a secret that women who go in for abortions can give consent to have the cells used for stem cell research. Fetal tissue is invaluable to stem cell research and abortions provide an obvious source for it. I dont see anything secret or nefarious about it. Its just a stupid pre election twisting of the facts.
Well duh, maybe because if he hadn't all the businesses that depend on investors would have gone bankrupt, and all the investors would have gone bankrupt, and all of the 401k's would have lost everything, and everyone's retirement would have been destroyed. Sheesh!