... this was the picture in my signature? and so many people complained that i changed it BUT now i see it has become a popular pose for women all over the internet....
You have perfect lips Its definitely insta worthy (some millenial speak just for you, @BeatinFeet69 )
i don't remember that, but if your currently listed join date is accurate i wasn't really posting at the time anyway. i can't tell for sure which of the above meanings is right. context says that she changed it because they complained, but i can't see anything that anyone would complain about.
people complained that they couldn't see my whole face (or down my shirt far enough) it's an old pic but i could remake it my signature.....and see what happens
I have every-ones sig turned off what do you mean ''see what happens ?''....are you cruising for a mate?
i don't remember that icon. i remember when i furst joined here though. i'm guessing we never frequented the same sub forums. i've always been mind trips, some of the personal forums when they furst became, and occasionally political, but mostly random thoughts, religion, conspiracy, future, and when forum games was started. but other then the personal forums for a time, some of them, and the political, i've almost completely been within the mind trips forums.