www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/12/religion-as-a-product-of-psychotropic-drug-use/282484/ i recommend you read the whole article but here are just a few interesting quotes and ideas: i'd be interested in reading a trip report from one of the control subjects. i knew the effect of a placebo is strong, but to imagine a profound mushroom trip? i guess if everyone else is tripping around you.. i sure like tripping..but not enough to drink piss! obviously, this was a much different culture than our own, so i won't judge the indigenous Siberian people. kinda reminds me of the saying "i don't have a pot to piss in." which apparently came from the fact that poor families all used to piss in a pot and sell it to local tanneries. (urine was used to treat hides or something. where? i dunno) therefore, if you were super-poor, you didn't even own a pot to piss in. with the mushrooms, it's kinda another instance where you could sell your piss. what if you could eat mushrooms, and then sell your piss to your friend? the article even explains why Alice (in Wonderland) eats a mushroom to alter her size! i'm not sure if she eats a mushroom in the cartoon, or if it's potion and a cookie... maybe in the book? anyone know? fucking commie bastards! not sure if this guy was being sarcastic or not: Adam and Eve:
oh shit, i forget to mention the very first thing i thought of is that it would really be a shame if mushrooms were responsible in some way for religion, as most of us can probably agree that mushrooms are awesome while organized religion has probably led to more harm than good...
http://www.amazon.com/The-Sacred-Mushroom-Cross-Christianity/dp/0982556276/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1388513628&sr=8-1&keywords=The+mushroom+and+the+holy+cross"]The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross: A study of the nature and origins of Christianity within the fertility cults of the ancient Near East: John M. Allegro, J.R. Irvin, Jan Irvin, Carl A. P. Ruck, Judith Anne Brown: 9780982556276: Amazon.com: Books http://www.amazon.com/Holy-Mushroom-Mushrooms-Judeo-Christianity-re-evaluation/dp/0982556209/ref=la_B0028OK62I_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1388513679&sr=1-2"]The Holy Mushroom: Evidence of Mushrooms in Judeo-Christianity: A critical re-evaluation of the schism between John M. Allegro and R. Gordon Wasson ... in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross: J. R. Irvin, Jack Herer: 9780982556207: Amazon.com: Books http://www.amazon.com/Astrotheology-Shamanism-Christianitys-Revolutionary-Reinterpretation/dp/1439222428/ref=la_B0028OK62I_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1388513821&sr=1-1"]Astrotheology & Shamanism: Christianity's Pagan Roots. A Revolutionary Reinterpretation of the Evidence (Black & White Edition): Jan Irvin, Andrew Rutajit, Nicholas Zervos: 9781439222423: Amazon.com: Books John Allegro was a scholar hand picked by the Vatican to help decode the Dead Sea Scrolls ( he was a world renouned scholar of ancient languages.... Not some crazy schub in his basement). He believes that Jesus was a symbol from fertility cults for a sacred mushroom sacrament and not actual man. He lays down his evidence in this book the mushroom and the holy cross....... Then Jan Irvin picked up the torch and carried it forward with new evidence. Check out these books
I am looking foward to Jan Irivins next book that will center on R.Gordon Wasson and his connections to the CIA and the US Government and how the whole 1960s counterculture was fabricated to keep their enemies high and distracted with turning on and dropping out then protesting the war or their crappy policies. Listen to his podcast at gnosticmedia.com It should be enlightening.
Nice link Pork. I would agree mushrooms are probably more a part of modern religion then some would like to think. It's possible but tripping is a dangerous thing to share with your enemy. They might learn enough to see the bars of the cage. I would think more pacifying drugs like alcohol would be more popular. Your not turned on, your just drunk.
It's Amanitas they were ingesting, not psilocybin. The high priests took the original dose, which btw usually was mixed with reindeer blood and milk, their piss was passed down to the lower priests and so on down to the lowly peasant, who got the safest dose, all the livers of the others having filtered out most of the dangerous toxins and only having metabolized 1-2% of the psychoactive component, those peasants tripped nearly as hard as the high priests. Actually they sold the piss to gunpowder manufacturers who would extract the potassium nitrate not with the brand of beer you drink, no sirree Yep, coulda been the fruit of knowledge man...:beatnik:
Eh.... Tripping teaches you alot but most people don't bother to learn, take the lessons to heart and change their lives. Where are all the hippies of yesterday?....they are the working stiffs with to much credit card debt of today.
yes, i know they were eating Amanitas. i just called them mushrooms in my post. interesting tidbits about how they ingested them though. i would have thought that the toxins end up in the urine though, not staying behind in the high priest's liver. about poor people selling their piss, that's not the story i read, but maybe there is truth to both. and what kinda beer you think i drink?!
I figured you probably Knew, just thought the distinction ought to be made, for the dear reader anyway. :mickey:
That's true. To allot of people it is just a way to be "fucked up". I have encountered more then one person who thinks of tripping as childish, I have told them you must be doing it wrong. :2thumbsup:
I'll take the first dose and everyone else has to drink my piss. I wonder how that system was devised.
Cool article, most of the concepts can be found in Terrence Mckenna works but interesting to see it delivered from a more strict academic source.
I always thought they fed the mushrooms to the reindeer and then drank it's piss. This way the reindeer filters out all the toxins that make you sick. I hear reindeer love Amanitas and have been known to trample someone tripping taking a leak because the smell of mushroom ladened piss is like crack for them.
i just read that people observed the reindeer eating amanitas and acting funny, so they tried eating the mushrooms. how do you collect piss from the reindeer? i guess it's do-able. god, that would suck!
I'm sure people on here know a hell of a lot more about the Hindu relgions than I, but, The Upanisads, (the collection of Hindu mystic speculation dating after the Vedas, 1000-400 B.C?) speak about the Soma plant, or king Soma, or moon plant, and describe trip like accounts. I can't remember which one's, it's been a long time since I read them. I'm sure it's a debate amongst acedemia that the Indus religions are based on the experience and use of shrooms. It's something I would say is true, judging by the things they describe. The Upanisads are well worth a read.
its like the stoned ape theory. I believe it Tho I think animals with big enough brains could also be religious and they never took hallucinogenic mush.. like dogs. I bet they got some spiritual thing going on too!! gates of heaven = the fridge. you got white light and everything...