Hello, just found four red pepper seeds that are over five years old. I put them in a small pot, watered them and made a mark on my calendar. We'll see what happens . Regards Gyro
Cool. Good time to start em indoors. Cover the top of the pot with plastic wrap to keep in heat and moisture content. It'll speed up the germination period. Like a wee greenhouse!
Hallo, nothing happened. I guess five years in the kitchen cabinet was too long for them . I bought fresh seeds the other day and now I have three small plants thriving on my window sill . Regards Gyro
i grew peppers once, not red peppers but sorano peppers from seed. they grew into nice looking plants that made flowers but even after manually attempting to pollinate the flowers they never made peppers and the flowers would eventually die and fall off then make new flowers and repeat. idk what went wrong or what i should do different but id like to try again growing them sometime
Hello, I have one older plant that produces lots of flowers and nearly all of them fall off. But a few of them survive and become tiny little peppers. I'm not an expert, but I think that either the pot is too small or it has something to do with the nutrients (or the absence of the right nutrients) in the potting soil. Regards Gyro
Hello, thanks. Trouble is that summer is more or less over, so I'm not sure if they get ripe before the first snow . Regards Gyro