Didn't see a suitable forum for this question, so it's going here. So next month I'm going down to Florida to visit my friend. We will be doing lots of swimming and stuff. This is already making me, at least in part, dread going. Don't get me wrong, I want to go, but I never look forward to the beach or pools. The reason is that with my deformity, I don't take my shirt off in public. My entire upper body is destroyed by pectus excavatum and I'm extremely self-conscious about it. I'm trying to look for solutions to this. Naturally, guys just take their shirts off and swim, but that's for normal guys with good bodies. I have to cover mine up. I'd like to just wear a shirt, but I think wearing a shirt makes you look equally as stupid. I was hoping maybe there is a type of shirt I could buy that would make more sense to wear in the water, and wouldn't make me look like a loser. Most guys want to flaunt their chests, but my entire upper torso area looks like you took sections of five different people's bodies and stacked them into one. Its very fucked up and stupid looking. I'd be more comfortable if I could just not show it. If there is a type of shirt I could buy that would make more sense to wear swimming for a guy, please recommend. Thanks.
It's called a rash guard. Any surf shop in the world will carry them. You can also buy online https://www.google.com/search?q=men's+rash+guard&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjh9KqL6JXcAhWHiVQKHW4_DwgQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=647
Do people wear the looser fitting ones in the water too? I think one of those would be best for me. The tight ones would defeat the purpose it seems.
It's all personal preference. They are made pretty tight, so if you want a looser one, you're probably best buying a size or two larger than you normally wear.
Just go with a black heavy metal shirt. In my experience, you won't be able to read the band names and neither can anyone else so they just won't look.
Easy Since you're at the beach no one would even question why you're wearing an O'Neill Slasher comp vest
Unless you come across an intrigued metalhead who insists on attempting to analyze the unreadable bandlogo
I wore a rash guard when I used to go to the pool. They make them in short sleeve or long sleeve and some with SPF blocking fabric. You would think that any fabric would block the suns harmful rays, but apparently there is something particularly useful in certain rash guards in terms of their capability to block UV rays. Anyway. They're a little bit pricey, but sometimes you can find a deal for less than $20, you just have to look around. I feel like it's worth it. For me I was self conscious about my weight, and still am; though I lost about 15 pounds since Easter. Good luck!
just remember, the people you see on the beach you will never see again. Also, they are not paying attention to you.