My Skype is ____ hit me up if you have Skype I want advice I just came out of the closet and my parents are disowning me and also I have lost a lot of friends fell a little depressed and I don't know what to do and don't want to post to much over on this forum openly. I will be closing my web browser in a little bit please help if you don't mind.
First of all those friends were never really your friends, if they can't accept and respect your sexuality. Second of all it's sad that your parrents are narrowminded people who obviously doesn't know the meaning of the words "uconditional lovw", that being said they chose to loose a child over something as ridicoules as sexuality, and that has got to make you wonder if they even deserve the right to call you there child it's their loss not yours, and soon they'll see it. And should they be the types hamering you with the good old "God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve" just throw it right back in there face with the facts "true but Adam and Eve created Kain and Abel, so either God approves homosexuality or he/she approves of sex between humans and animals or he/she approves incest otherwise evolution would have stopped right there, the ask them if they would have liked it better if you had sex with animals or your fammily now that they dont like you being gay"
Sounds suspicious You dont want to post 'openly' on these forums for advive And you need to skype with guys for advice?
the forum isn't another closet....maybe your parents are worried about your willingness to skype with strangers...I know I would be
There are support groups for those who need the support of community. If you do not have anyone close that can help you through this I would suggest you find a support group and attend and see if that helps you. Your parents may also need some time to come to terms with this. Many times initial reactions are just that and time can help them and you. They may never like it but they also in time may come to accept it. Love is kind of like that. Hang in there and I wish you all the best.