I was just eating some cashews and there was one that was much bigger than the rest. I broke it in half to inspect it but I still refused to eat it. I thought to myself, "I just don't trust unusually large nuts." Then my mind thought of other nuts and I just had to laugh.
Cashews are a fascinating topic. I’m pushing 80 and always considered myself pretty clever and knowledgeable about the world but until a few years ago had no idea what cashews grew on until we stayed in a tropical swamp area of Costa Rica with a Cashew Apple tree outside our cabin. A local picked one, chomped on the apple and said “this is good…see that little dingus on the bottom? That’s the part we export to you.” He discarded the dingus. I would wager a large percentage of Americans haven’t the fogiest how cashews grow….or that the covering of the little dingus contains urishol. Poison Ivy anyone, and must be roasted to get rid of the covering.
I knew about the cashew apples and the fact that they are natively eaten for the fruit but I have never heard of it containing urishol. I have raw, unroasted cashews, not sure how that works but it's never made me itchy, lol.
I understand that but you said... so I was just saying there must be another way to get rid of it if the sell them unroasted as well.
From what I can tell all cashews are heated to open the toxic shell…don’t stand in the smoke! Roasted cashews receive a second heating but the urishol has already been removed when the shells were removed in the initial heating.