What is causing outbursts of rage on planes and grocery checkout lines? Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle you know nothing about. Be kind.
Posting a link without a comment? Surely you must have an opinion!!! I do! TOO MANY PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET...
People do not interact anymore, everyone is looking at a phone, listening to music with earbuds while looking at the ground while they move about, communicating with actually talking to another person face to face is fast becoming a lost art .
Yes, that is very true. We can not know what horrors another may have seen recently, or what dread awaits them at their next destination. Not everyone is on holiday with a smile on their face. Thanks for adding your opinion!
It's like talking to a brick wall. I get a good laugh when I see people walk into objects and wonder what happened
The following book is off topic but I wanted to point it out because it features a world where people never go anywhere near each other. It's all practically online communication with others with clean robots around them. The Robots of Dawn - Wikipedia
Last week, a stranger threatened to beat up me and my husband in the checkout area of a grocery store. What set him off was that my husband, en route to return an unwanted item, had brushed past him. The man announced that he was going outside to wait for us and – screaming, snarling, raising his fists – stared at us through the window. Was I surprised that a muscular guy in his 30s was threatening to punch out two grandparents? The woman behind the checkout counter wasn’t. She said, “Stuff like this happens every few days.” In fact, not long before, in another supermarket, another city, an elderly man raged and shouted at me, claiming that I was standing too close, and the cashier said, “He comes in here and does this all the time. If any of this were true ^^^^^ the store would have banned him, he would be arrested etc ….
2 million people are loosing their jobless benefits, 11 million people are facing imminent eviction. 13 million children live in households that might not be able to stretch their food budget through the end of the month. Suicide is up 24%; among our children (10-24), it's up 60%. 6 million people died of SARS CoV-2. If each death affects 15 people, that's 90 million people grieving. Yeah; many, many people are under tremendous stress; suffering stressors we know nothing about. Please try to be gentle with each other.
Let's say you go into a place of business. (which we all do). If the people waiting on you--helping you --are rude and that seems to be the case every time you visit the business----the blame MUST fall on the owner--the manager--etc. In other words, the person on top sets / affects / causes --the tone-and actions of those "below." I can see the correlation of the craziness / rudeness/ unconcern for others, the lack of empathy-----AS COMING FROM THE VERY TOP OF OUR SOCIETY. The corona virus didn't help---but remember who it was that initially and constantly defied reality and spread falsehoods about the virus from day one---" It's one guy from China ", forget about it " --yup--the person at the very top of our government / society. Thanks , you fuckin' useless prick!! And thanks to all you followers of said prick!!
Yep…..and that in turn creates a host of other problems, Recently demographers have noted that population growth worldwide is winding down; hopefully fast enough.
Not knowing how to manage anger is part of the problem. The UK's reading-well.org.uk "Books on Prescription" list has some titles on anger management. If everyone meditated for an hour each day, we would probably have fewer angry people in the world.