Well, first of all, I think it sucks to even have to deal with the color of a persons skin or a different language..but we have to, society and the media push it on us, showing and stereotyping each race, so that the masses see each other as THIS or THAT, because that is what they have been taught..Can you go beyond that? Can you see every human living on this planet as your brother or sister in life?
Racism is defined as believing that one race is superior to another/others. I don't consider my own race to be superior--I think it's foolish to be proud of something you have no control over. Race is a cosmic coincidence. I'm sure there are a lot of studies that "prove" one race's superiority. People will always put some stock in racial background, whether they like it or not. I don't care if other people are racist. Doesn't mean they are bad or evil. It's just a part of life, at least at this time and for the foreseeable future.
Only when I don't meet some of them in person. But it would not have a racial background. Racism is not an issue for me personally. It only becomes one when I'm confronted with it. Then I feel most of the time it is silly, and sometimes just a confirmation for the person that is considered racist because he happens to be unfortunate in his encounters with people that happen to be of a particular background. It is understandable some get racist views because of that. As long as they don't get looney about them in practice I'd say, not an issue for me personally :daisy:
No, it just means they are ignorant. Not the kind of people I'd like to see in public office, that's for sure.
I think people who flag racism are stupid pricks. Drop it already, just take it as a normal insult and move the fuck on with your life.
Of course I'm not a racist but one thing that does kind of bug me is when some people act like just because I'm a white male I don't have a valid opinion on racism because I must not understand it somehow. That happened in a FB debate a while back and I made the point that while that person may think I know nothing about it...has it occurred to them that as a white male, I get to hear what is said "behind closed doors"? Things which that person was making assumptions about....I hear people comment on unfiltered. So while I may not be a "minority", I'm certainly entitled to have an opinion on the subject.
I could give a shit less, Im white. Although the 'white man' is the minority these days. Nothing you can do but sit back and enjoy.
Haha, thanks for pointing that out. So he also twists facts to make his opinion seem more righteous (hope that was not ment as a suprise because it wasn't)
Then why did Columbus junction change their schools over to the Mexicans? If you are white and go there, You wont learn shit for the fact they teach in Spanish. They can have their 'Mexican pride' flying high, But if it were reversed id be a white racist. Im pretty sure adventure land has a few illegals too along with their the others on work visa's. Soon enough, We will be the minority the way it keeps going.
How is it twisting facts with all the mix breeding going on? The illegals? All the other bullshit that comes along with it? Not twisting anything, People refuse to see the big picture and that the white people of American are second class citizens anymore.
It's very simple: when you're not a minority in your area then you don't call yourself (part of) a minority. Even when it is sure to you you will become (part of) a minority in the (near) future.
I don't like when *certain* white people, who experience none of it, try to sweep it under the rug ('cuz hey, they aren't racist and they're positive). It's real and happens and was constructed to keep minorities down and it's a weird/fucked up/legitimate topic. And I'm ethiopian, came here when I was 5. Ironically 'cuz I'm dark (like 2.4 billion people in this world), I gotta deal with an extra facet of American racism. If that doesn't tell you how real and messed racism is/could be, I don't know what else to tell ya.