Quotes From Shakespeare's 'Timon of Athens'.

Discussion in 'Performing Arts' started by Jimbee68, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    “I am not of that feather to shake off
    My friend when he must need me.”

    -Act I, Scene 1.

    “'Tis not enough,
    To help the feeble up, but to support them after.”

    -Act I, Scene 1.

    “Like madness is the glory of this life.”

    -Act I, Scene 2.

    “’Tis not enough to give.
    Methinks I could deal kingdoms to my friends
    And ne’er be weary.”

    -Act I, Scene 2.

    “I wonder men dare trust themselves with men.”

    -Act I, Scene 2.

    “O, that men’s ears should be
    To counsel deaf, but not to flattery!”

    -Act I, Scene 2.

    “I must not break my back to heal his finger.”

    -Act II, Scene 2.

    “Men must learn now with pity to dispense;
    For policy sits above conscience.”

    -Act III, Scene 2.

    “I am an humble suitor to your virtues,
    For pity is the virtue of the law,
    And none but tyrants use it cruelly.”

    -Act III, Scene 5.

    “Nothing emboldens sin so much as mercy.”

    -Act III, Scene 5.

    “Timon will to the woods, where he shall find
    Th’unkindest beast more kinder than mankind.”

    -Act IV, Scene 1.

    “Strange, unusual blood,
    When man’s worst sin is he does too much good!”

    -Act IV, Scene 2.

    “Who would not wish to be from wealth exempt,
    Since riches point to misery and contempt?”

    -Act IV, Scene 2.

    “I love thee better now than e'er I did.”
    “I hate thee worse.”

    -Act IV, Scene 3.

    “What is here? Gold?
    Yellow, glittering precious gold? This yellow slave
    Will knit and break religions; bless th’accursed,
    Make the hoar leprosy adored, place thieves,
    And give them title, knee, and approbation
    With senators on the bench.”

    -Act IV, Scene 3.

    “I am Misanthropos and hate mankind.
    For thy part, I do wish thou wert a dog,
    That I might love thee something.”

    -Act IV, Scene 3.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024

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