Question About When To Say When....

Discussion in 'Pets and Animals' started by Wizardofodd, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I think it's about time to say goodbye to a damn good old dog. I'm having a little trouble making the call though. For the last month or so, he's sort of hit a wall and just acted very old and tired. In the last week he has had a much harder time getting up and moving around. He isn't eating very well or really digesting what he is eating. His legs are obviously bothering him. He's lost weight. He mostly just lays in one or two spots and doesn't move much. It doesn't seem like it's just one issue or some temporary illness. He's about 13 and a yellow lab/ golden mix.

    So...this is probably it, right? I kind of already know the answer to that question but part of me feels the need to hear some outside confirmation. We are taking him to the vet in the morning but I don't expect anything more than another confirmation that his time is almost done. My daughter is so sad tonight. I'm bummed too but I'm even more bummed for her. They love each other so much. That dog would die for her. She's pretty upset.

    That old boy caught a rabbit in the yard only about a month ago. He seemed perfectly fine then. It may have been his last hurrah. He looks much older tonight. :(
  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Sorry to hear this. I don't think that there is any one right answer. There is some balance between cherishing the last time that you have together, and also not putting him through unnecessary pain.

    idk, maybe there are some pet related sites that would have more info?
  3. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Thanks for the response. I think we waited too long with our last dog because we didn't want to see him go. I've always thought we should have made that decision sooner. I just got done cutting the matted fur off of him from him laying down so much. He's just old. Maybe I just started this thread to make myself feel better about what I know I need to do. I'm such a softie about animals. But he's had a good life. I never condoned him killing rabbits, etc. and I always tried to stop him but I find it remarkable that he caught one only about a month ago and today is in such poor shape.
  4. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You'll want to take him in before he starts to actually die. That is a horrible thing. They suffer so much.
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I am sorry and sad to read this news....:(
  6. secret_thinker

    secret_thinker Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Sorry to hear your sad news. I know what you mean about your daughter, sometimes seeing your own child's heart break is just as bad as the actual tragedy.
  7. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    You might want to take him to a vet before you shoot him.

    Just saying.
  8. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Awe. I'm so sad for you. Before my Booboo passed away, I hadn't that many lessons with dogs mortality. Those I did have were well forgotten. Other dogs in my life didnt effect me as much and Booboo. Im not sure of the cause of that. But ultimately I got him when I needed him the most in my life.

    The best thing you can do is lay him down with peace and dignity. Its going to be hard. I had known for a little while my Booboo was getting sick, but dismissing it because of weather and age. It matters not. Had I taken him weeks before he died and got a gi tracking he would still die. Only costing me thousands of dollars. Granted if I was made of money I would of tried to give him another chance for a few more months, years or even days. However I am not and would need to get another dog. Ive tried to gain a concept that the dog is a giant hamster and they die just like that. But that isnt making it any easier. When the dog lives 3xs as long any hamster could.

    Fine one day and distressed the next, sadly the rapid growth of a dog is its demise. As we watch them grow from puppy and so on, their little bodies are doing strange things. The metabolic rate of cells is fascinating. I suppose this could be why they used the dog in the movie THE THING. One my favorite movies, and favorite breed .. Aliens all our little furry friends just might be. Lol men in black Frank the pug.

    At least you have some warning signs. I hadnt that many signs the dog was sick. He killed a groundhog a day before he died. The signs that we caught onto is were already to late in 24hours. It broke me to watch him suffer and I know I did everything in my heart to give him back to God peacefully. I know he is with me in spirit always, he was just that kind of dog. Nothing I can say will make it any easier for you. Its been a month since my Booboo died and Im still taken it hard. I have another dog now. She is like Booboo, but more like Glue_Glue shes a german shepherd that feels my loss, never less than 20feet away from me, comes when called, quiet, protective, and adorable .. she is doing much to repair the hole in my heart and I love her very much. In the wink of an eye. Ill be putting this one down someday too.
    Best to you and the family...
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  9. Spectacles

    Spectacles My life is a tapestry Lifetime Supporter

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    I am sorry you and your family are going through this. It is hard to decide from our point of view because we would keep them forever. If you consider the quality of life of your dog, if he is in pain and there is nothing else to relieve the pain, we are fortunate that we can choose to give the dog a good peaceful death. It just about killed me to have to put Sunny down but I knew it was the right thing to do for him.

    This attachment always gets to me.

    Best wishes on your decision. :bigcry: [​IMG]
  10. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    Wiz I'm so sorry to hear about this. I'm sure you will decide what is best for your dog.
  11. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    We went to the vets this morning to see what they thought. I sat on a bench outside with him because he is very aggressive to other male dogs and other smaller furry life forms. Someone had a very old cat walking in the grass a little ways away. Numerous dogs passed us at a safe distance on the way into the building. Our dog didn't react at all. He didn't even act like he noticed or cared. He just laid there just like he has been lately and it was then that we decided that we would put him to sleep today instead of waiting. Him having no reaction showed me just how poorly he must have been doing. That would not be his normal behavior at all.
  12. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Sorry to hear that man...
  13. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Thanks for the kind words. It's a bummer but the more it sinks in...the more I'm sure we did the right thing. I wonder what our other dog thinks right now.
  14. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Sorry man..
    the other dog will probably miss him, try to lift its spirits and your own by spending time with the other dog.. [​IMG]
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  15. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    Damn wiz I'm sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you and your family. I'm sure your daughter is pretty upset about it.
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  16. Spectacles

    Spectacles My life is a tapestry Lifetime Supporter

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    I am sorry for your loss. Know that you gave him a good life and a good death. Peace to you and your family.
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  17. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Im so am sorry buddy..... He was lucky to have you!!
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  18. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm sorry I missed this wiz. They get gone--but never forgotten. I only have had one---back in 74. Died prematurely and I still miss her.
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