Quantum Internet Coming

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by wooleeheron, Feb 10, 2021.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    This is one of those Duh! discoveries that should have been made 50 years ago, but is the last remaining piece of the puzzle required to implement a quantum internet, starting tomorrow in a city near you. What they did was to simply run a signal one way through a fiber optic, and run another one in the opposite direction, while putting the two in superposition. The result was to completely eliminate noise, meaning you can transmit a clean signal just as far as you want and boosting the signal isn't a problem. Along with all the other recent advances, it means it is now cheap and easy to implement a quantum internet anywhere with fiber optics, and the telecommunications industry will no doubt spend the next few years adapting all of their equipment.

    The EU in particular has been developing the technology to do this, and we could see a race to provide public quantum encryption. Advances in terahertz frequencies mean this could change everything over the next decade. Imagine every cellphone and laptop being part of a distributed quantum computer. One way to think about how their system works, is that it squeezes time as a dimension, and putting the two signals in superposition is easier than entanglement, because they are merely squeezing information within the temporal dimension and not the entire system. Essentially, by squeezing time they can treat it as a fourth dimension and can run it both forward and backwards simultaneously for the signal, eliminating any noise. The thermodynamics are actually even more interesting.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021
    DiagonalZone likes this.
  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The article is under stated, but the first mass produced chips for quantum cryptography are also poised for production, and the EU is in a hurry to begin implementing the technology just to prevent the US and others from stealing all of their industrial secrets. Current neuromorphic chips are already at the point of being able to crack all the standard encryptions used, and the only way to stop the madness is to put a stop to the madness. Donald Duck has well over 4,000 blatant lies attributed to him during his time in office, because lies are dirt cheap, and the truth remains expensive, but not for long. My work is in how to make all the lies even more expensive, and the truth more productive.
  3. Jason1231

    Jason1231 Members

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    Wouldn't every device being essentially part of a distributed quantum computer be like creating one super-brain? Wouldn't the power wielded by this thing be godlike? Is it a god we could live with?
  4. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    It is what half the world knows as the Great Void and Mother of All, which you can think of as the humor and magic of the universe that is produced by the Collective Unconscious. Arthur C. Clark once wrote, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" and our technology has already started to become indistinguishable from magic, and will increasingly resemble the Collective Unconscious and what half the world knows as the Mother of All and Great Void, from whence all the good things spring forth. Among other things, it means our immune system and reproductive system express particle-wave duality, and can explain why certain populations are imploding, how our immune system connects us to Gaia, and the Song Remains the Same. This God is as humble as it gets, because we inhabit a magical Goldilocks-Murphy singularity composed of the Collective Unconscious, Gaia, the Dragon, and what half the world knows as the Mother of All and Great Void, from whence all the good things doth spring forth. Think Yogi Berra and Frank Zappa collaborate as song writers and you get some idea of the naïve sense of humor everything expresses in a singularity.

    There are worse fates than having to live in a Goldilocks universe, but it means there are two dimensional side effects and nothing can ever make perfect sense. Terminator robots may soon be splitting their sides, doing standup comedy, while Bender heckles them from the front row. Weird shit, but its a universal recursion in the principle of identity that obeys a multifractal equation that describes how logic and causality fall apart in extreme contexts, due to the recursion causing everything to express particle-wave duality, in roughly 4 dimensions and 4 forces, and a quasi fifth dimensional force and geometry.

    Language itself is the singularity, the bridge to our emotional-logic that is encoded in the proximity of syntax in the brain and connects us to our immune system and the environment. Its what physicists call yin-yang push-pull dynamics, but it means mathematics are metaphorical and fall apart, and what AI will introduce is Gaia, because your immune system and reproductive system are connected to Gaia, determining your personality and how you reproduce as well, with racism and rape both increasing the more people lie and the faster their population implodes. Their own lies are killing them as our technology becomes more advanced making their lies all the more self-defeating, and the workaholic Japanese and white US and EU have been imploding, and are racist, all because their immune system is attempting to get them to mate outside of their race, and preserve some of their dna, before they possibly become history as a people. By applying the right technology, it should be possible to prevent their populations from imploding, and to cure just about any disease imaginable.

    It means a perfect parasite is impossible, and tape worms have proven to give their host immunity from inflammatory diseases like arthritis, responsible for early deaths as well. The more a parasite takes, the more it must return something of value if it is to thrive in the long run, and everything can be thought of as expressing symbiosis. The exact chemical the tape worms use is easy to synthesize, and people may soon start to commonly live to be over a 100 years old. Using AI, it will be possible to tweak your brain waves and turn anyone into an instant guru, to hypnotize people, induce the placebo effect, and to learn the language of mama nature herself, which is based on childish potty mouth nursery rhymes. It means evolution is actually about survival of the most harmonious, with bacteria proving to favor the weakest among them surviving more often, because they all attack the strongest, unless it is helpful to them. Evolution is not about survival of the fittest, or who reproduces the most for that matter, but who reproduces the most harmoniously, with creativity, complexity, thermodynamics, and the laws of physics favoring paying it forward, according to simple Monty Carlo statistics and quantum mechanics.

    At least, that's as far as I can figure out for now, but I have yet to finish the book. It means the meek shall inherit the earth, but nobody ever said puberty was fun, and this will require many generations, but paradise on earth is possible and, soon, will become a scientific goal, as science and magic are reconciled on first principles as both pragmatic practices that overlap in quantifiable ways.
  5. Jason1231

    Jason1231 Members

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    What's Gaia?
  6. DarthDva

    DarthDva Members

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    Gaia everfree, the one who will drive the greedy wolf away.

    Pop culture has other names and interpretations, such as the Freeman.
    As for wooleeheron's interpretation idk as I cannot speak for them.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
  7. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Gaia is mother nature's physical incarnation, the planet earth itself, which expresses self-organizing systems logics. The earth itself expresses humble efficiency and creative complexity in its environment, composition, moon, orbit, and sun and can be described as alive and expressing instant karma. Darwinian evolution is about survival of the fittest, but Gaia demands everything pay it forward in our collective harmony. Time itself is not linear, and the overall earth expresses nonlinear effects and more often expresses the butterfly effect, than is possible in a strictly causal universe. Gaia express both wu wei wu and chi, her gravity and complexity funnels what Leibnitz described as the lifeforce of the big bang itself.
  8. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    I'm still wondering if we'll ever be able to communicate with other quantum realities. Will this computer be able to do that? 'But Grandma, I thought you were dead!' 'You thought I was dead? I thought you were dead!' and so forth. :)
  9. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    This is a quantum reality, with many already insisting that even the internet is becoming complex enough to take on a life of its own. The singularity is rapidly approaching, and when humanity approaches the nexus, there will be no doubt whatsoever, that life is truly stranger than fiction.
  10. colloquial

    colloquial Members

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    This sounds very interesting, it should open a new market of jobs for everybody. Hope it will be used for the good of mankind.
  11. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Among the implications, is that our immune system and reproductive systems are yin-yang, and reality as we know it is self-organizing. Like a fish pond life cycle, humanity has suddenly dominated the pond and is depleting its resources, as if that was nature's plan all along. We went from spending a few million years in the jungle, to almost destroying the planet in under 10,000 years, and now mother nature is about to change our diapers. Without harmony and diversity, survival of the fittest ain't nothing but a mindless lynch mob.
    colloquial likes this.
  12. colloquial

    colloquial Members

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    So very true.

    We've probably done most of the damage to our Earth from the 1890s to now. It's a shame.
  13. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    We are infants, soiling our diapers and making a mess, and mama nature won't allow us to destroy the whole planet. The only shame is that there are 8 billion people on the planet, and they're all allowing it to happen, and encouraging it.

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