They have yet to send this signal over a fiber optic, but it is one of several supposedly "uncrackable" quantum encryption schemes, with this one having the advantage that its dirt cheap to make and can travel over the internet servers, being redirected at will according to traffic, and it doesn't require any shared keys. This encryption system would empower the creation of even an athenian democracy within a private intranet, allowing people to use whatever intranets they prefer to discuss whatever they want or conduct business in total privacy, and to switch from one intranet to another at will. In other words, it could democratize most of the worldwide web over time, creating a more level playing field where everyone isn't constantly stealing data from one another and attempting to regulate the dissemination of information and spread fake news or propaganda. Just a little something nice to think about. Imagine cutting the banks out of countless transactions, because you are your own bank, and you get the idea. This encryption system relies on the quantum "No Cloning" theorem, which is fundamental to Noether's theorem and the symmetry of nature.