Was about to have sex 12-hours ago and took a chance that my condom would slide down first time. However, I placed it on my penis the wrong way it seems and it wouldn't slide down. So I turned it round, it slid down and we had sex. However, wouldn't dry pre-cum have been on the condom on the outside now, the end that went inside her? I'm a bit worried.
Yeah there's totally a chance she could become pregnant, you got you precum on the tip of the condom (which is probably the part you pushed in the deepest).
Have You Ever Heard The Phrase "Dumb And Dumber"....??? (1st)... DUMB Mistake Was To Not Know Which End Of Your Dick The Condom Was Designed To Go On... (2nd)...DUMB Mistake Was To Join A Forum And Ask A Bunch Of Strangers What You Should Do With Your "Private Life".... "Dumb And Dumber", Is A Understatement.... Cheers Glen.
Hi kingjon, I have heard and read about it - the sperm cells survive mostly at the body temperature and only when the seminal fluid (which we call 'cum') is housing them. If it is out of the body on a condom, or on your undergarments the environment changes for them unfavourably and they don't survive. Even before I read your last update (about her periods), the chance of a conception did not look too high. But you should always be careful - the chance always exists. Enjoy life, KingJon and Queen! Cheers, smukherjee
Just to freak you out, I knew a woman once who continued to get her period throughout pregnancy. One of those "I didn't know I was pregnant" type cases. But, there is a 99% chance that she's not pregnant.