Hello, due to the weather conditions yesterday night's train ride back home took much more time than normal. But it wasn't too bad because I had lots of pussy play on the train. That bitch even scratched the back of my hand after I fondled her furry ears. Regards Gyro
Hello, I was in the Nuremberg area and had to go to the south west. So I'm lucky I guess. We slowed down a lot, but in the end the train was only 40 minutes late. Regards Gyro
Hello, I enjoyed it. The moment the nosy little bugger came out of his box he ran through the railway coach, jumped on the empty seats, scratched my hand, meowed at people etc. Regards Gyro
Hello, Before I hopped on the train I bought something to eat and drink. A whole night in a train stopped in the middle of nowhere without something to munch would be a loooong and unpleasant experience . Regards Gyro
That would be a serious drag, I agree. Happily there is no 'middle of nowhere' in the netherlands so I probably wouldn't have stayed waiting
Hello, yes, it is. The atmosphere was tense due to all the delays and lost connections, but nearly everyone played with the pussy or patted him. Regards Gyro
Hello, I have to go over the Swabian Mountains to get home. The Swabian Mountains are a really good approximation for the middle of nowhere . They are a very nice area for hiking, but a not so nice area for stranding there . Regards Gyro
I'm not sure. I like lots of snow :biggrin: But yes, i would like to have some consumptions with me in such a situation :cheers2:
Hello, if the weather is not too bad next week we will introduce our indian colleagues to that stuff . I can drink a mug or two, but it's way too sweet for my taste. Regards Gyro