Hi guys i wanna tell you my experience to see if this has happened to anyone, and see if i can get some advice. It all started when i had the brilliant idea of taking 600 micrograms. yes 600. i had try 90, 140, 180, 300 and 360 micrograms in another ocasion, ande all of them with amazing trips. obviosuly jsut crossed the line, this time. Long story short, i entered in a "state" where i thought my whole life was a dream (it was similar to a K-hole) all my freidns were jsut my imagination, and i was trapped in a loop forever, and i had to scape from it. the day ended in teh hospital, all full of brueces form running around , towards walls, falling etc. it was a terrible experience. i tripped another time with 25I with 1500 mic (in two doses) and it was really nice trip no problem. but then the next trip another day i had the same amout of 25I, and i nenterded the same state. i say state becasue i dont think is jsut a bad trip. ive had bad trips, or trips with some bad thoughts, or bad moments, ive had times wher i couldnt thinks straight or evne talktstright, btu this is defiently different. When i had the 600, it was progresive, it was getting too intense for me an dthen i jsut went mad. but this time wiht the 25i, i was havng an AMAZING time, eouphoric, happy joking, wiht my best friends, and then suddently somehtign clicked in my head and i went down under. My thoguth werent straight, i was telling my friend what was hapening to me and at points he would freeze in time and his face was jsut a black shadow, othertimes i would jsut live the same situations as that time on the 600 mic, i was having total control before of reality a minute ago, but now i was belivening that my life was an ilution adn i had reach the point were its all an infinite loop of insanity and nonsense. ive made some research and it seems like ( i think) psychosis. which is a malfunction foteh serotonian receptors or some sort) Doesn anyone know anythign about this, or has anyone had any situaton like it. Should i stoo taking psychedelics? Thansk beforehand
These are strong signs to stop doing all drugs. If your symptoms persist after 6 months of SOBRIETY and good lifestyle choices (sleeping well and eating healthy) then please speak with a psychiatrist
I still stand by what I said. Psychedelic experiences are not supposed to result in being hospitalized and harming yourself. You are obviously not in a state of mind or place in your life where tripping is going to work out well for you. Come back to it in a few months