Premature Ejaculation (Very Bad)

Discussion in 'Sexual Health' started by superturtle123, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. superturtle123

    superturtle123 Members

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    I have premature ejaculation and its VERY bad. I will ejaculate 3 seconds after penetrating my partner. No sarcasm, 3 seconds. I need help, I dont know what to do :(
  2. secret_thinker

    secret_thinker Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Go see a doctor for a referral to a specialist.
  3. broony

    broony Banned

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    learn to teach yourself to ignore it.

    the moment that thought pops into your head when you with a girl clothes on or off and anxiety kicks in your in trouble. Cause whether its 10 seconds before you have intercourse or 1 hour, if that's on your mind for a split second and you let it, it will manifest itself from previous experience, and its exactly what you going to get again. Regardless how hot the girl is, the principle remains the same. So learn to ignore it.

    I think blowin your load early is all in your head and even if you jackoff before you have sex wont do a damn thing to fix your problem, because you gotta get whatever is in your head that's bothering you and ignore it. try to understand anything that might make insecurity and then teach yourself ignore it because it is evil.
  4. KingWilly

    KingWilly Member

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    After you cum, can you stay hard and continue on? If you cum multiple times in a session then it's not really a big deal IMHO. If you cum in 3 seconds then roll over and go to sleep or get up and leave well then that's bad.

    Far as broony's post, there's some truth to it but it's much easier said than done. There are times when I'm hornier than heck and there's just no use in trying to control it or shut my mind off as it's kind of defeating the purpose IMO. it's supposed to feel good right, it's not a job like porn is where you might be scripted. But in those instances where I'm so horny I can usually cum more than once, so it's not such a big deal if I cum early, hence my earlier point. Then there are other times when I guess for whatever reason I'm not that horny or have something else on my mind and as hard as I try or concentrate or whatever I picture in my head I have a hard time cumming or sometimes even go soft and just have to quit. So yeah your mental state is very key and obviously what happens to you is once you enter someone your mind goes bonkers and you instantly cum. Mental discipline can be very difficult but it is possible
  5. Cutted

    Cutted Cutted

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    Check out my blog in Sexual Health on 10 Techniques to Overcome Premature Ejaculation, as 57,000+have done...
  6. diesel#

    diesel# Members

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    Think about baseball or something boring until the feeling eases off

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