‘A vice so many have’: Pope admits nuns and priests not immune to porn "Pope Francis has warned seminarians against the “devil” of digital pornography, while admitting that watching online porn is also a vice of priests and nuns." I am not sure why any woman wants to become a nun to start with. I can see organised religion can have a useful social function such as providing a template for forming a moral compass that can be re-evaluated throughout one's life. Priests are also people.
Hmmmm - still hasn't said anything about or stopped rape and kiddie fiddling in the catholic church though has he ???
Spot on Vlad! If he ever tried to talk to me against Porn I would tell him to put his own house in order first. Anyway. I love to look at a bit of porn occasionally. My favourite Porn sites? X Hamster and Porn Hub Just Google them and get your Dick out! While we are on the subject. What is your favourite Porn site? ........
Why on Earth should I give a bubbly fart what the Pope says? Considering the Catholic Church's well-documented collective predilection for pedophilia, the "Magdalene laundries", the Indian residential schools, the genocide of First Nations people in the 16th and 17th century, and the Inquisition in the 13th through 16th century, the Catholic Church has zero credibility as arbiters of either holiness or morality. Any organization that consistently over time perpetrates and perpetuates that much suffering and death can only be described, on it's most basic and fundamental level, as evil.
Full disclosure: I am a Catholic. That said, I think Christianity in general has some major and toxic hangups about sexuality. Granted, a lot of the culture that came before that supported sexuality that was abusive and not consensual, which was also very uncool. Christianity attempted to correct that, which was a very good move. But they went too far in the opposite direction and overregulated it. I think porn is like a lot of things that are enjoyable: there's a point when too much becomes counterproductive and self destructive. Your view of how sexuality works becomes unrealistic, to say the least. There's also the danger of its becoming the end goal as opposed to the means to an end. Also, the vast, vast majority of porn is exploitative of women. Sure, the women who participate might (or might even not) get paid well, but the producers make tons of money anyway, and perpetuate the idea of submission of females sexually, as if sex is a man's game to run. The last point especially is something the Pope should be bringing up, not all "naughty, naughty!" I'm disappointed, because Francis has shown himself to be relatively liberal as opposed to Benedict 16th, who was pretty much a do-nothing, placeholder, toe the line Pope, or John Paul 2nd, who actually took the Church back several years despite being a rock star Pope.
Totally agree. I think Sylvester Graham and John Harvey Kellogg are two of the most revolting people of all time. The graham cracker was invented to stop you from masturbating
I think that the Pope has point on this one. I believe that there needs to be an effort to rein in some of the disgusting trash on the internet. With that being said I feel that there is a middle ground wherein unmarried citizens should be able to learn about the mechanics of sex and foreplay. I keep thinking of people who do not even know what male or female genetalia look like and how does it function. Nuns and Priests should be allowed to marry and have a family, in order to reduce child molestation within the religious community.
Why I will never take advice from the church on morality when it comes to sex, I agree with the pope, why the term the devil is laughable. The dangers of digital porn are ones that should be addressed. Perhaps the answer to solving the issues lays in the teaching and understanding of sex and removing the shame and taboo and allowing priest and nuns to marry. but then the dangers of digital porn go way beyond the church
I can't disagree with the logic of what is said and it seems to provide them with cover fire if they are associated with sex abuse or they are involved but that is like announcing that they have been known to sin when speaking. It is never a person who can expect from another that they commit no sin and then wonder what the hell happened. A moral compass is hard to say on tuning. I like the idea that the world produces nuns and priests who are celibate and if they are secretly caring weight we don't know then it is being hypocritical from coverage that they never fornicate as they do not commit any action involving sexual activity.
Porn helps men to control their sperm output. That is not good for the reproduction of more people to be turned into Catholics. It's probably a business decision for His Holiness - a concern over there being fewer people to pass the collection plate by.
I wanted to offer my perspective on this because there have been several times in my life when I've seriously considered becoming a nun (I'm genderfluid, but was socialized into womanhood). For some, the contemplative life is a wonderful haven from the outside world and a way to connect closer with the Divine. Many are willing to become celibate in the name of closeness to God for this reason; the community aspect or strong sense of vocational joy that comes from a life a service is another appealing factor (it definitely was--and, to some degree, still is--for me). The celibacy requirements are absolutely ridiculous, though, as many religions around the world speak specifically about sexual intercourse and masturbation as a wonderful way to connect with the Divine. I believe both Hinduism and Judaism make mentions of this in their sacred texts, but don't quote me on that. The writings of St. John of the Cross and Hildegard von Bingen point to a beautiful and multilayered sexuality that some monks and nuns have been able to explore within the confines of celibacy. Who knew what beauty they could have unleashed if they were allowed to explore their passions further?
For homosexuality. This raises serious doubts about the expertise of the Catholic Church in the assessment of heterosexual pornography. Frédéric Martel, Sodoma: Enquête au cœur du Vatican (2019) Frédéric Martel, In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy (2019) There is a majority of homosexuals in the Church and in the Vatican “In the Vatican, as you will see, there are a lot of gays: 50%, 60%, 70%? Nobody knows," says an ambassador in Rome. When the author of Sodoma began investigating, he had already heard rumours on the subject but was unaware of the extent of homosexuality among the clergy. After four years of investigation, he was convinced that a majority of priests were homosexual. "Sixty to seventy per cent of seminarians" today are gay, according to one priest in training. Another seminarian, Andrea, confides that he only "confirmed" his homosexuality "once he entered the seminary". He states a "rule" that he was able to verify: "A large majority of priests discovered that they were attracted to young men in this homoerotic and strictly male universe that is the seminaries." According to numerous sources quoted by Frédéric Martel, homosexuality is so "ubiquitous" that it is tolerated in the Church, provided that it is not publicly displayed. For the author, only a minority of priests remain faithful to the vow of celibacy taken at ordination. Prelates invent new forms of concubinage, between a superior and his assistant for example. The author recounts his interview with a cardinal, "one of the most senior figures in the Holy See", who lives with his companion in a Vatican flat. When the companion appears at the end of the conversation, the cardinal, embarrassed, introduces him to the author as "his deceased sister's brother-in-law". "Before the 1970s, the Church was a refuge for those discriminated against on the outside, but since homosexual liberation, it has become a prison," explains Frédéric Martel. In Sodoma, the author argues that the priesthood represented an escape route for young men who were afraid of coming out in the open and in their families. The Church seemed to them a safe place to live without judgement. Giving up marriage in favour of lifelong celibacy was seen as a "relief", according to several testimonies, and the prospect of a "life between boys" was much more attractive. The seminary is said to be the moment of coming out, a "rite of passage", shared intimacy between young men. The author also draws a link with the vocations crisis facing the Church. With homosexuality becoming more accepted and same-sex marriage legal in several countries, priestly life is no longer seen as a "refuge" but as a "dead end" and is therefore no longer attractive, according to Frédéric Martel. The most homophobic ecclesiastics are in fact homosexuals. According to the author, the pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI gave rise to what he calls "a crusade against gays". He bases this on the numerous instructions published on the subject during these decades. Under Benedict XVI, for example, he describes "an army of homophiles and homosexuals who will go to war against gay marriage". By cross-referencing his sources, he established that the entourage of both popes was predominantly homosexual. "The reality is that there is a majority of homosexuals with power in the Vatican," replied a former priest in the Curia. This is one of the main theories put forward in Sodoma: the more homophobic a prelate is, the higher up in the hierarchy he is, the more homosexual he himself is. Source
A relevant topic if off topic. First I'm sooooooo surprised to learn of the rampant homosexuality in the Vatican. Second, the hypocrisy makes me stark raving mad as a Catholic, a queer and just as a person. This is why any dogma regarding homosexuality is totally irrelevant and void to me. This kind of corruption isn't even on the level of embezzlement. It's more fundamental. I'll end by saying you should be a priest because you want to be a priest, because you sense a calling to server the Lord and His people in a particular way, not because you want to escape to a gay fraternity where you're not expected to anything more with girls than shake hands, or have secret access to get it on with other exiled and "flawed" but still horny guys. If the dramatic drop in priestly vocations represents sincerity, so be it. If you want to be gay, so be it. Even if you want to be a gay priest, so be it, but do it for the right reasons.