Politics,Manners and Morals

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wrat1, Apr 13, 2021.

  1. wrat1

    wrat1 Members

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    It used to be said not to discuss politics and/or religion in polite society , it appears thoughts on that have recently changed HOWEVER one thing that should not change but did is treating others with differing opinions with respect

    How to Discuss Politics Politely (thespruce.com)

    Discussing politics can be quite enlightening and healthy in a relationship as long as it is done with respect. Unfortunately, the respect factor is often a sticking point. Once the political discussion begins, people who start out with the best of intentions often become defensive and then offensive

    Manners, Morals, and Political Correctness (americanthinker.com)

    Aristotle described manners as "practical wisdom" as opposed to philosophical wisdom. Practical or political wisdom is devoted to man's self-interest or what is good for the individual. But what is good for the individual must be evaluated against what is good in general

    What does respect mean?
    In Hollywood's version of the world ( that somehow became reality) "He Diss'ed Me" became reason to actually shoot/stab/fight someone
    Is respectful disagreement still possible?
    Agreeing to disagree?
    Can you discuss controversial subjects such as racism, abortion, gun control, capital punishment etc without resorting to personal attacks, name calling etc?
    Cello Song and Running Horse like this.
  2. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    The most respectful and honest thing in any debate is to answer questions put to you and address the criticisms that arise of your viewpoint

    Someone that constantly refuses to do that is been disrespectful, and is not debating honestly

    Debate can only be enlightening only if those in them debate honestly by answer the questions put to them and addressing any criticisms of their views that might arise.
    Bilby likes this.
  3. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Wrat my old friend – but you have never debated honestly in all the time I’ve known you.

    For example in a recent thread you were asked the same question six, seven, eight, times or more and you just keep evading or ignoring them while pumping out some more BS which again you refused to answer questions on or address criticisms of.

    You could redeem yourself, you could begin debating honestly, you could answer the questions put to you in a clear and concise way or you could address the many outstanding criticisms of your views in multiple threads.

    I await to see you choice
  4. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Political debate is about testing political ideas and seeing which stand up to scrutiny and which don’t – the problem is that those with political views that don’t stand up to scrutiny often already know their ideas are flawed and would not stand up to very well.

    These people are easy to spot because as I’ve said they evade answering questions or address criticisms of their views and are therefore more about, limiting, curtailing or derailing debate than adding to it.

    But such dishonest debaters are often also very keen on their ideas been respected – that however bad or irrational their ideas and opinions might be they should be respected (often meaning allowed without challenge).

    Well to me respect has to be earned – if someone refuses to defend their own idea or opinion then it seems to me, they don’t even respect their own views, so why should other respect it?

    If some idea or opinion is examined it clearly is counterproductive, dumb, or dangerous and therefore has little or no merit should it be respected?

    It seems to me that debate is the crucible in which ideas are tested and those that fail are either adapted so they can or dropped as bad ideas.

    Why hold onto an idea that can gain no respect
  5. wrat1

    wrat1 Members

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    Is Respect Earned or Given? – Levine Lowdown (thelevinelowdown.com)

    There are many different opinions online regarding this question, however; there is one arguably indisputable point. Respect in its barest and most simple form must be given. All people deserve respect, in conversation and action, respect should be given to all people regardless of any prior tension or disagreement. Albert Einstein referred to this concept by stating, “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university”. Giving respect is the foundation for personal and professional relationships, therefore, initially, it must be provided.
  6. wrat1

    wrat1 Members

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    Respect -- It's Earned, Not Given. What Hogwash! | HuffPost Life
    Well, to my complete "lack" of surprise, sure enough there were NUMEROUS images and quotes about people talking about respect "needing to be earned, not given". Some posts were so outrageous that I wanted to go find the people posting them and shake them until their teeth rattled.
  7. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    I also try to “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university”.

    But what if you found out while talking to them that the garbage man ran a charity for sick children and was a local councillor who had got safe crossing points put in on roads to schools and that the president was a white supremacist and holocaust denier who had a shrine to Hitler in his house. Which would you respect more?

    As the piece goes on to say – ‘Respect should always be given. However, more profound levels of respect and of a relationship can be earned through positive interaction’ to me respect can be earned and lost.

    So if someone in a political debate is not respecting the process by refusing to answer questions them they for me lose respect.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2021
  8. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    Sorry the opening line of this was ‘A young person said to me, "respect is earned, not given". This was in context of respect between parents and children’ and goes on to say ‘But this blog is about the word respect in the context of the relationship between parents and their kids’

    So what is your argument in relation to respecting a political viewpoint even the person that is presenting it is refusing to defend?
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2021
  9. wrat1

    wrat1 Members

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    Debate and Discussion: Yes, They Are Different (uopeople.edu)
    Debaters aren’t there to be open, they are there to win
    By contrast, people participating in a discussion are usually open to one another’s opinions, and there is a chance the opinions can be changed in a discussion. This is not the case for debates.

    Difference Between Debate and Discussion | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms
    Debate and Discussion are two words that are often confused when it comes to understanding their meanings and usage. Strictly speaking, there is some difference between the two words.

    NOWHERE in my opening statement did I mention debate
  10. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    LOL the big problem (the elephant in the room) is that you don’t debate/discuss honestly by refusing to answer questions or addressing outstanding criticisms of your views, but you think we should talk about some sematic BS instead (of course bull elephant shit)?

    This is a perfect example of your dishonest method of talking.

    Be it in discussion or debate why do you constantly refuse to answer questions or address outstanding criticisms of your views and do you think that is respectful and honest?
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2021
  11. sherman march

    sherman march Members

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    I won't respect or treat with respect any nut wearing a MAGA cap or carrying a Confederate flag or having a STOP THE STEAL sign in their front yard or wearing a TRUMP 2024 T-shirt in public. I have zero tolerance for nuts who espouse treason whether in 1860/61 or in 2020/21

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