What podcasts are you currently listening to? I've found they're a really enjoyable way to pass the day at work. I've been listening to Waking Up with Sam Harris today. What about you guys?
Sometimes I listen to ESPN podcasts, I also like to catch old NASCAR races from MRN radio. 60s and 70s races or the good old 90s.
The only one I watch/listen to with any sort of regularity is Joe Rogan... but on occasion: Waking Up (Sam Harris) Startalk(Neil Degrasse Tyson) Ben Shapiro Show Monday Morning Podcast (Bill Burr)
Well to be honest today is my first day hearing of him. Joe Rogan mentioned him on one of his podcasts and I was curious so I looked him up. So I sort of have a vague notion that he's a controversial figure but i'm not sure why. And I decided not to look into the controversy until I listened to him a bit and formed my own opinion. Thus far he seems intelligent and reasonable. I know he's a staunch atheist but obviously that wouldnt deter a heathen like me. What dont you like about him?
Ah. Ok. Basically I always found his arguments against religion as derivative and not terribly logical, but what annoyed me more about him was he tended to speak as if he was saying something original. Plus his fans are obnoxious and tend to be rather unintelligent. (Obviously if you're a fan you are excluded from this observation. We all know you smart)
The latter is one reason I decided not to look into him much outside of his own words, I didnt want obnoxious fans or detractors influencing my opinion Not sure about the former yet, i've only heard one podcast and it had nothing to do with religion
I've never listened to a podcast ever. I can't throw one on in the background at work and be able to absorb everything. Ditto for while driving. And when I am home and can sit down and focus, I can't just sit there and listen. I need a visual to go along with it, or else I'd rather read it. Some people can learn just by listening. Some can learn by listening and taking notes. Some learn by reading. I'm in the later category. Podcasts just don't work for me.
Based on this, I'm assuming you've seen Religioulis...I don't think that's spelled right. But anyway, what did you think of his conversation with the priest in the Vatican?