I'm obsessed with them. Does anyone have any recommendations? These are some good 'uns: This American Life- Audio documentary covers many topics Radiolab- same as above but science based Serial- audio documentary covering single story week by week The black tapes/Tanis- horror audio drama that mimics the style of Serial The last podcast on the left: Comedy podcast about all things macabre Dan Carlin's Hardcore History- Great history podcast with great research and insight Geeks guide to the galaxy- Interviews with SF/F writers Thinking sideways- unsolved mysteries podcast Worst idea of all time- comedy podcast, 2 kiwi guys watch Grown ups 2 52 times and review it each time, going slowly insane. My dad wrote a porno- comedy podcast, 3 british people read and critique an awful erotic novel written by one of their dads. KEXP network- lots of new music podcasts Blues kitchen radio - awesome blues music podcast, covers both roots and modern blues inspired music. Distraction pieces- long from interviews of interesting peeps by scroobius pip RHLSTP- Interviews of comedians by richard herring The infinite monkey cage- comedy panel about science No such thing as a fish- comedy podcast about interesting facts The parapod- two comedians, one believes in ghosts, the other doesn't. he rips the first one to shreds.
i don't regularly remember to, but there's fur-media. there's also, or was, i guess probably still is, a vidcast called the funday pawpet show. both of which are sometimes nsfw, mostly do to 'language'. which is, well i find nsfw language a bit tedius, which is one reason i don't very often. of course both are all about and within the context of the furry community and have no real need or reason to reach out to mundania. i don't know of podcasts off hand specific to my other interests, though i seem to recall there having been. there were a couple of dj casts from places on second life, that you didn't actually have to be on there to tune in to. then of course, there's the listen live on the internet from some of the non-commercial radio stations such kvmr.org, which isn't technically the same thing as a podcast as its more or less 24-7. then there's pod cast like 'radio drama' type things on youtube like welcome to night vale, that i listen to occasionally, and there's a writer's guild that does readings. probably several of those. there's even a whole sort of collection of audio book channels. while not exactly podcasts, most of these things, there sort of related things that i sometimes listen to and even sometimes capture and down load. also thanks to the op for the list, some of those sound interesting enough to me to check out.