So I've read numerous stories in the news about this place over the past couple months which kind of made me shake my head, yet I assumed they were just isolated incidents. For instance, a few months back I read about a woman who was reprimanded for being "intimidating" because of her toned body. I shit you not. She was wearing a bare midriff top and was told to cover her stomach because it was "intimidating" to the other people in the gym. A month or so after that I read another article about a pregnant woman who was working out at a Planet Fitness. The tank top she was wearing was riding up as she was working out, when a gym attendant approached her and told her to cover up her stomach or else leave the gym. Planet Fitness refers to its gyms as "judgement free zones," yet PF commercials portray anyone who is muscled to basically be a retarded moron, or what they call "lunk heads." This does not surprise me, considering this gym offers free pizza to its members on the first of every month. Clearly they are not looking to reach people that are serious about their health or getting into shape."]I lift things up and put them down -Planet Fitness Commercial-HD - YouTube However, what blows me away, and this is something I just learned, is that PF gyms have something called "lunk alarms." Basically what these are is alarms that sound if a person grunts too loudly while lifting, or sets the weights down too hard. A loud alarm sounds, and the person is made to feel like a complete fool while an attendant comes up to reprimand them for being "intimidating.""]PLANET FITNESS LUNK ALARM TROLLING - Awkward Gym Moments - YouTube I will be the first to say that SOME bodybuilders and muscle heads fit the stereotypes and are truly meat-headed morons, but to me it is beyond hypocritical to call yourself a "judgement free zone," yet discriminate against people who are are fit and in shape, claiming they are intimidating to the other gym patrons. You would think being fit and in shape is something that any real gym would want to uphold as something positive. It would appear Planet Fitness is trying to corner a certain segment of the market which is made up of mostly of obese middle-aged women with metabolic syndrome, who merely use the gym as a psychological crutch to make themselves feel as if they're doing something to improve their health as they continue eating pizza and drinking Mountain Dew. However, the tactics of this gym seem almost Hitlerian, which is ironic considering the fact that when a regional manager of PF was interviewed by The Daily Show, she stated, "There's a lot of places for lunks to go... all the animals can be in one cage and then we have Planet Fitness where all the people can go." When asked by the interviewer "Do you know who else said that?", she replied "Hitler.""]planet phagness - YouTube To me, this is another example of how Americans are being softened up and made into a bunch of wimps. I am not speaking in physical terms, but psychologically. There is so much talk these days about bullying and acceptance, but in reality this is just more of the political correctness that is being shoved down everyone's throats to soften everyone up so they're more easily controlled and assimilated into this brave new world we are entering. When did we become a nation of such pathetic wimps?"]Boycott Planet Fitness! - YouTube"]Planet Fitness Removes Squat Racks for Being INTIMIDATING?!! - YouTube
The following page is similar to "People Of Walmart" Someone should start "People Of Planet Fitness". Planet Fit-Mess?
Fitness is obviously very important. And is enjoyable if done properly. But the fitness industry is rather comical IMO. What I think Planet Fatness are doing is "embracing fatness". They've decided to milk it for all its worth. The slimming industry is geared towards keeping people fat, or yo-yoing. So I suspect the Planet Fatness comedians are planning the same thing. It seems gluttony and sloth are being reclassified as "disabilities". But the truth is that fatness makes money. Whether its large companies taking healthy food and ruining it with shit like corn oil and other additives. Or other approaches like I mention above. At a couple of gyms I've been at, I've found some of the fitness staff to be an absolute nightmare. Being fit is always sold as some mega difficult goal that takes many, many hours. Even tho massive short cuts exist. And they seem to grudge admitting this.
^ Nope, it is a conspiracy to soften american citizens and prepare them for assimilation. jk IamnotaMan Keeping their customers yo-yoing sounds more plausible then what Rat is getting into there. Still, there is some naivety in me that tells me it could be possible they're just misguiged and merely being overly PC
Never heard of the place. The lunk alarm sounds awesome though. It's like you go in and pump iron so hard that alarms are going off? Your workout would be like a Rocky training montage.
The stuff about banning women who have their abs showing is pretty sad and moronic. Pretty much every tyranny ever has started off under the guise of inclusiveness. Thats well illustrated by Scandinavia, which went from liberal to "femenazi". By double standards on freedom of speech re politically correct bullshit - on stuff like immigration, the promotion of homosexuality to kids etc etc. Planet Fatness reminds me of a company I used to work for. There was no dress code. Apart from no "crop tops" for girls, or those lacey type tops. Or men wearing shorts in extreme Summer. Basically fat, middle aged hags who made policy decided to ban it. Personall, if they look like pigs they should a)diet or b)get over it instead of showing their bitterness towards others. Will they have Arab style "swimming costumes" next. I mean some of these people just need to get a life. Things will end up like Saudi Arabia soon. Like our sodding inner city schools already are
Why blame Obama if you can blame muslims (and fat middle aged women of course)? Women won't be allowed on the treadmill by themselves anymore.
I have a friend who goes to planet fitness. She isn't an obese middle aged woman, just a post-partum twenty something feeling a little insecure about her body and wanting to lose her baby weight. She actually loves planet fitness for all the reasons you're against it so clearly their marketing technique works. Planet fitness doesn't really interest me but I've never been interested in working in a gym period because of the gym rats who take it so seriously. Planet fitness is just trying to market to people who are intimidated by the stereotypical gym environment. I dont really see a problem with it. The pizza thing is a little weird.
I've heard of this place but there aren't any near me. I'm pretty sure you can't even do squats or deadlifts there. I probably shouldn't complain about having to bring a towel to the gym I go to, cuz it could be a lot worse
So is the alarm thing. and the Tootsie Roll thing. and the bagel thing. and the soda pop thing. and the people thing.
This is like the situation in the U.S. with medical doctors frivolously prescribing all sorts of drugs to patients and then having another slew of doctors specializing in treating people by trying to withdraw them from all the prescription drugs they are on and don't really need.
All of that is actually good, because it's giving people a sense of empowerment that they are actually trying to do something to solve their problems. (I might as well quote myself with a remark apologetic to the industry before someone else does it)