I use this. I don't know if it's still free though, it's been a while. PDFescape - Free PDF Editor & Free PDF Form Filler
You can get a program called Adobe Creative Cloud that has a PDF program already in it Adobe: Creative, marketing and document management solutions
There a number that run on Linux that let you view PDF files . I think all or some of them let you edit them .
Ubuntu 16.04 is a type of Linux. It is not as hard to learn as I thought it would be. Have not got the DVD drive to work.
On Linux distros , I use Mint . Most distros will run from a USB drive . I have never had a problem with DVD drives . I have had problems with blue ray drives and Linux . With these distros will you down load programs after the distro is set up.
I installed Ubuntu using the optical drive. I can play Youtube clips I have previously saved but cannot play DVD's as yet.
On Linux , the latest Mint is 19.3 (I think) it has a video player bundled with it , but I normally down load vlc ,it plays just about any file. The PDF editing program I am thinking of is calbre (or close to that) .
You might try another distro . Like Mint or Ubuntu Studio . 2 that I like. They and a bunch more are on distro watch . com Most distros are free . For any one here , you down load the iso file . Use a program to copy it to a USB drive to boot and run from the USB drive . That was you can make sure it works with your hard ware with out installing it on your hard drive.
One thing you'll notice eventually is that many distros are based on Debian Linux. You can look up open-source pdf editors through their software managers/installers, or look them up online via google or other search engines. I haven't had any reason to edit a pdf file, nor have I had any problems with any cd or dvd drives in the last ten years.
Most of the distros have forums where software/hardware problems have been discussed . They can be fun to read even if you don't have problems or use that distro. If you want to post a question you need to join the forum .