Pagan Parenting

Discussion in 'Paganism' started by Vendaga, May 22, 2012.

  1. Vendaga

    Vendaga Member

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    So I'm posting this in both the pagan forum and the parenting forum, because I don't know which would be better.

    I am the mother of two young boys, and a Pagan. I was wondering how all of you teach your children about your religion, and do you bring them up to worship your gods and goddesses or do you let them choose?
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    You should teach them your practices until they understand and can make up their own minds.
    If they stray towards Christianity, you should sacrifice them to the all mighty allfather!

    la Principessa likes this.
  3. Vendaga

    Vendaga Member

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    LOL funny, I actually worship the Nordic Deities. Although Thor and Lofn are my patron deities.
  4. Shakti_Om

    Shakti_Om Local Pixie

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    Seriously though..:rolleyes: .....I'm a Mother of two. My daughter who I had fairly young is now 17 and my son is 5. Both children have been raised as Pagan and have experienced the various celebrations since birth. Of course none of it was obligation but as it's my faith and that of my family we celebrate together.
    Schools have been very open and accomodating also. My daughter has in the past taked about her faith in school and discussed the different aspects with her classes when religion or faith is a topic.
    My opinion and experience is that you must take it the same way as other families with faith. It's just a part of our family life, it defines us. My children have my blessing to explore other faiths if they choose. However my daughter has remained Pagan and is infact very devoted. My son on the other hand is a typical little boy and would rather devote his time to Power Rangers.

  5. Luna Lovesong

    Luna Lovesong Members

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    Although I can see this post is old I wish it had gotten more traction
    I read a book about parenting as a pagan and there are so many options
    first you want ritual and altar to be age appropriate, if batman is what your child uses as a symbol of protection then it can be placed on their altar.
    I have my youngest (3) practice transfer of energy by stomping on clothes when he is angry and mashing his anger into the clothes then putting them into the washer to wash the anger away (it has numerous practical purposes) and his song to help ground him is the alphabet.
    for full moon rituals we have a fire, everyone brings an item to charge we dance we sing silly songs and from time to time we refresh our moon cycle knowledge with marshmallows. you can do the full moon to the new moon by eating it slowly, and then everyone has a different phase from new moon to full moon so we can see what it looks like, then we cheers our marshmallow fragments and eat them all at once.
    when I was a kid Sunday school was a lot like church, only fun for me...that's what teaching children paganism should be as well...a ritual, but fun for kids
    la Principessa likes this.
  6. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    Half the time the only advice I ever give anyone is:

    When in trouble, when in doubt,
    Run in circles scream and shout,
    If that doesn't work keep trying to figure it out,
    Just laugh at the punch lines and the truth comes out!

    Kids like silly stuff and I tell them reality is for those who don't watch the right cartoons.
    Its a hippie thing many of us appreciate a great deal, being able to laugh at our own beliefs.

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