explain which high is better and why in terms of euphoria mostly and i guess the nods too. ROA snorting don't care about other routes for the G74 generic opanas that are still snortable and easily crushable
I'll answer your question. I have never done opanas, but I hear they are wayyy better. They are like a roxy + some morphine maybe? Idk how anyone can even get these. My grandpa could barely even get norcos.
In my opinion, Hydrocodone provides a better euphoric feeling than Oxy, which I found to be too sedating. In terms of pain relief though Oxy is way better. I've never tried Opana, but it is more powerful. It's 7 times as potent as Morphine taken orally and about 4 times as potent as Oxycodone taken orally, so yeah it probably gives a better nod than Oxy.
No comparison, oxymorphone is better in every way. Far more powerful. I cant really explain it much better than that because I am not that experienced. BTW I only snort too. Never touched a needle never will, never care. But for some reason a 30mg Roxi around here goes for $35 while a IR 15 mg Opana (Moon, Half Moon, Heaven, ect) costs $40-$45. IMO you are a fucking idiot if you picked a roxi between the two. The ERs are ok, I am still trying to work with them but I still say they are better. As far as power, I would say 1mg of oxymorphone = 2-3mg of oxycodone.
I have Opana 30mg ERs and the 30mg oxycodone (K9) and if you want to feel good instantly go with the K9's if you just want to feel decent for 12 hours go with the opanas.
I'd like to think I am a pretty seasoned pain killer conisure, I honestly can't think of a kind or type I haven't tried at least once, from fentanyl transdermal patches to , hydromorphone, liquid morphine sulfate, down to the lowest Tylenol 3s., even tried black for a while But imo, for everyday sense of well being 16mg of Suboxen does me just fine. If I want to get high then chop up a couple of the 30mg oxycodones and snort away (unable to get any mg of PC's anymore. Regardless of the narcam in suboxen you can still get high I just wouldn't advise spiking anything while on suboxen or subutex. (Btw I am horrible at spelling) but I'm sure the people on,these types of forums know what I mean.........Hrcmedic btw you will have to go to a doctor with specific license to prescribe suboxen, addiction therapy doc or something like that , I get them through the VA, psychiatrist.
oxymorphone made me fucking crazy for real id rage on that shit =/ ive had great experiences with str8 oxycodone, its nowhere near as strong by weight but its a more "soulful" high if you ask me. id rather have an OC80 than a opana 30 any day some ppl are opposite but man did that opana shit give me an attitude
just stating the fact that oxy is better at killing pain is evicence that it is a more full agonist than hydro, interesting i think 90% of ppl would prefer oxy over hydro
It's just a personal preference. But yes, Oxy is much better for pain. I had it after back surgery when I had a really tough time just getting around with a walker, and the Oxy I was prescribed helped out a lot. It did have a tendency to knock me out though. I thought it was very sedating. But now I'm getting adequate pain relief from Hydro's, and they don't knock me out so much. They give me sort of a warm glowy energetic feeling.
the bio availability of Opana is terrible orally -- Yes it is stronger than Oxy but you need more to get the feeling -- So Oxy is better Orally