Thank goodness. I thought I might have to change my beliefs on religion. What was I thinking? A god wouldn't have time to post here anyway, with all of its duties.
I tripped acid and mushrooms with a girl and she had a fucking book she wrote from all her favorite paradox sentences, writings and such. I had to tell her to stop and I literally went "RAAAKHJGDJHGADJHGKJDHGA" lol Study astrophysics and it will mind fuck you if you wish.. Though when you do you might say 'ignorance is bliss so fuck it' ...
You're close, I think. Looks like the Hubble extreme deep field, released in 2012, much more recent than the HDF
youre saying that jesus isnt actually in outer space????? mind = blown. i have to sit down for a minute to really let this sink in
How old is old? The photo was taken about twenty years ago, but the nearest galaxies in the photo are 2.5 billion light years away, so you're looking at something 2.5 billion years in the past. Compared to that it makes no difference when the photo was taken. If we could see another photo of this same view that'll be taken a hundred years from now it will still show the same image of galaxies 2.5 billion years ago and more. No difference.