All good things must come to an end and i have sadly left my tree after many a happy time sitting getting high and talking jibberish with many of you crazy folks. The thing is, it wasn't really my tree, i was just looking after it for the squirrels, and they have returned from fighting Horatio the evil squirrel murderer. For many years Horatio and his gang have been terrorising the squirrel community and an allied attack was launched by the reds and the greys. With help from an unlikely bunch of friends (Gus, Phillip, Luke and Pye) they have managed to banish Horatio from this life forever. I promised that if they returned from their quest alive i would give them their beautiful tree back, but in return they have given me an amzing shed. You are all more than welcome to come and chill out, there is always a good supply of juice and munchies, and of course some interesting herbs for your sampling....
He does like Squirels...just not Horatio the evil squirel murderer. Or am I reading something different to the rest of you?!
No, you are right, the squirrels are my friends. If people bothered to read it properly then they would have seen that i was looking after their tree for them whilst they were off saving the squirrel kingdom. And Sal your just a bellend.
a party on the roof would be fun..... but you know, if it gets too crowded in your shed people will have to party on the roof.....
how old are you Man_In_A_Shed ? i allways assumed you were 30 somit untill i saw the photos with you in ^_^
Can I join the party if I bring some bottles of my own special brew?... you'll love it once you get past the taste... honest... Fly... . .
I am only 4 years old, i'm just really really really tall for my age....i've played you all for the chumps that you are..... ....there will be no partying on the roof sadly, its made of glass and its nice to lie back and stare at the there is no problem with space, it can be any size it wants....more people= bigger shed...