www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiFQuGWy4B4 www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKTv9yg0OSc www.youtube.com/watch?v=27rS3j65uMc This one might make ya sick… www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwLwoRACvjo A good video segment there.... Religion is made up BS meant for control.... Religon and God are 2 different things...... GOD is real while religon is just to get control over people.....
religion is misused, but it may also be a mistake to assume that to be its intention. and when it is misused like that, i don't believe it is the will of any god for it to be so. but yes, religions are stories people tell, for various reasons, that may, and often have, little or no connection, with whatever gods or god-like beings might also happen to exist. but i don't believe all the reasons for religious stories to have been told, to be negative ones. i believe the reason they were first told, was out of desperation, to try to discourage bullying. people just have a way, that given the passage of enough time, to turn everything around, to stand every argument on its head, and use it as an excuse, for the very thing it was against. there is no denying, that this has been done, with nearly everything that can be called religion.