I Don't Think Unlearn Is A Word I Would Use, But I Would Certainly Admit To Sometimes Forgetting Things I Have Learnt... :wheelchair: Cheers Glen.
One can dillute irrelivent knowledge in a sea of banalities, or disolve it through the obtainment of relivent knowledge. As far as unpleasing, but relivent knowledge, one can mask it, but the mind has difficulty thinking when two many masks are floating around in it clogging up production.
Well I still use my blinkers when I am out driving. Other people, not so much. Maybe they never learned to use them in the first place. I can still do my own parallel parking too.
since its holographic, some ghost of it will always be there, but you can berry the pointers to it by over writing them, with, as mentioned, more pertinent and useful ones. its ghost will also distort over time, eventually becoming nearly unrecognizable. perhaps.
It depends on what there is to be unlearned. I think certain quirks and character traits can be unlearned, so to speak. I also think a person can "unlearn" their conditioning if they so choose. Not everything learned is the truth, and over time bad information gets sifted out in place of, shall we say, "updated" information.
you can certainly lose your edge after a long period of disuse. I do t think knowledge can be truly unlearned, practicing again you will come up to speed on your skills quickly even if it took years to learn the first time. bad habits can't be "unlearned" either, I stead you must learn the proper way to use in their place. perhaps there are psychological techniques to erase memories, or techniques to induce a sort of amnesia by applying electrical current t to the brain. I don't think I've ever unlearned something, some things I have forgotten a bit after disuse but I probably didn't really know those well enough to begin with. the general ideas however still remain though details may be fuzzy.
You could supplement whatever was learned with a bunch of unnecessary steps until the whole thing became so convoluted that you forgot. I think it's necessary that forgetting be intentional if one is to unlearn something.
Absolutely! Especially while you're pregnant and directly after giving birth. It's called pregnancy brain and mom brain.
The scope of behavioralism may be too narrow for this discussion. Maybe stick to the mind-scape without too much concern for the behavioral inplications of various knowldege, which may be minute and far in-between obvious manifestations.
I would say no...although...some insignificant facts I learned in school...this happened in year this or that.....history classes....out the window....I did not commit those kinds of facts to memory.... behaviors....can be modified or relearned when breakthroughs are made....
this is good to know. now if we could just figure out how to apply it to the many shared, collectively self destructive behaviors, the dominant culture keeps reinforcing.
True and extinguishing behavior(s) in a controlled labatory/enviornment is likely quite different than non-controlled settings. For instance Money is such a powerful reinforing agent for conditioning behavior. Most people's livelihoods depend on money to some extent, so I'm not sure how we'd collectively extinguish the evils that come along with it.
sure. i know i've taught people things that they completely knew at the time, and then a few day later they claimed that they had no knowledge of the subject in question.
[SIZE=medium]According to master Yoda, Yes! [/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=z4jeREy7Pbc[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]Hotwater[/SIZE]