Are These Supposed To Save Our Lives.....Or Slowly Kill Us...???. I Have 9 Of These In My House.....And 2 Weeks Ago The One's In The Spare Bedrooms Decided To Go Off Within A Day Of Each Other.......Changed The Batteries In Both And One Went Quiet....Then Resumed It's Beeps....2 Weeks Later The One I Removed It's Battery In Total Frustration Is Now Beeping Yet Again.......Done The Usual Google Search.......Tried All The Fixes.....Just About To Take Them Both Out With A 12 Gauge Shotgun... :yikes: ... In A Last Ditch Attempt To Avoid A Massive Hole In My Ceiling.......Does Anybody Here Have A Better And Less Destructive Solution.....???... Cheers Glen.
The Internet Has Many Solutions......But None Seem To Work.....But What Has Really "Got Me" Is The One I Removed The Battery From 2 Weeks Ago......Suddenly Starts Chirping Again...... :wall: Apparently There Is A Capacitor In There That Will Retain A Charge.....But Why Wait 2 Weeks Before Sounding The Alarm...???..... Cheers Glen.
I'm one of those people who just rip mine down because they go off every time I cook. I get tired of messing around with them, so...yeah...
It sounds like you're saying that your alarm remembers the status of the previous battery needing to be replaced even after the battery has been replaced. I would think that it would recognize a fresh good battery as having enough voltage to prevent a chirp from happening again. Perhaps the alarm is old and starting to malfunction and is chirping to indicate the malfunction. "The Minnesota Department of Public Safety cite a nationwide study undertaken by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), which states that 97% of smoke alarms should still be functioning after one year, if supplied with power. After ten years it is 73%, whereas after 20 years, this figure stands at 54%. The study also indicated that 60% of the failures were due to flat or removed batteries or a disconnected power supply and the study offered possible reasons for this. Ageing alarms may experience sensitivity drifting, which may, in turn, result in an increased frequency of accidental activation and an increase in people removing the power supply. It was thought that newer alarms with a ‘hush’ feature may contribute to remedying this."
LOL Well, on a more serious note, If I were him and lived out in the middle of whoop whoop, i'd convert a couple shipping containers, or at least make the whole house concrete Bathurst is on the other side of the Blue Mountains, dont know if he is quite in bushfire country But seemingly every summer I shake my head, a couple houses lost in the Blue mountains....oh, I build a house out of timber in a bushfire zone errr why did it burn down, errr munananana D'uh But knowing this country, you'd still need fire alarms if the house was made out of sandstone
Don't bang your head on the wall too hard, GlenGlen. Rain Man movie. Kitchen fire alarm scene.
Where I live, we deal with the opposite problem. Everything is so green (especially in the summer) that it's tough to keep anything dry. Although 9 smoke alarms seems a bit excessive. Do you have one in every room? More? You must have some crazy fire codes. VG--whereabouts do you live? My guy wants to say Sydney, but I don't quite recall.
Mine triggers as soon as I make toast and it's about 15 feet away round a corner* *I only use the best whole wheat, grown by organic monks in a remote orchard about 14,700 feet up in a secret mountain fastness
I Got On The Company Website And They Said To Hold The Test Button In For At Least 35 Seconds To Discharge The Capacitor.......So I Did That In Both Rooms But The Unit That I Thought Was In The Other Room Started Again.......So Back And Forth I Went Determined That These Little Bastards Were Not Going To Put Me In An Even Worse Mood........ And Guess What..??..I Was Going Down The Hallway Between The Rooms When That Beep Was Really Loud......Turned On The Hall Light And Here's Another One Going Off In The Hallway Which I Hadn't Noticed Before..... :wall: Anyway I Haven't Got Enough Batteries For The 3 Of Them So I Replaced The Hall One Which Has 2 Batteries.....One For The Alarm.....And One For An Emergency Light. Finally I Am Blessed With Silence...... Cheers Glen.
Not A Mansion But A Very Big House......307 Squares Without The Veranda Or Garage..... The Guy Who Lived Here Before Me Was A Master Electrition And In The Interests Of Safety Over Engineered Everything........Iv'e Been Here Almost 3 Years And I'm Learning Something New Every Day.......Still Haven't Been Upstairs To The Storage Attic..... But Hey You Can't Rush Things...... Cheers Glen.