the sound of me orgasming all over our new shinney NZ forum. i am so happy we finally have a forum whanau marae again. he he he he he he (giggling like a little skanky schoolgirl) Alltaken
ka pai (car-pie) = thanks (i believe) Whanau (far-n-ow) = extended family, relatives, or very close friends, somewhat a community Marae (mar-rye) = meeting house, or community hall. almost a chruch but one of debate, safty, sanctuary, and sleeping/gatherings/celebrations.... not just religions but an entire centre for a tribe or whanau. basicly we use a lot of Maori words in the NZ forums. Since NZ actually lieks to use Maori in its english Alltaken
*finds a clean patch of the forum to sit down in* doug - you hoha (check me out, I've been watchin Korero Mai) but yea, i wish i was fluent in Maori - it s beautiful language, and yeah. oh, and hoha ( hoe-hah) basically means nuisance Korero Mai is a TV programme on Maori TV aimed at teaching basic skills in Maori - Korero means to talk, i think?
your so clever sophie....i am soooo proud of you *pats on back* p.s. when you learn maori teach me please. i also want to learn chinese. Doug
Kiaora!! I don't remember much of the Maori I learnt and I used to be so damm good!! And Doug, your orgasm must have been a very intense one, not that I myself havnt noticed how damm kinky it is having the NZ forum back.
ha ha ha MJISH yeah damn orgasic, you know like sooooooo orgasmic to have a home again. really really excited by this forum Doug
*wipes sticky white stuff off a seat* Yuck. Doug...grooosss... But anyhoo, ka pai means "choice." Like... \/\/00p \/\/00p is for 733+ geeks. Don't you guys remember that song?... it ended in "Ka Pai CHOICE" and cheesy grins and thumbs up. I'm pretty sure you guys remember.... Sophie, don't know? Doug, next time you want to orgasm, does it have to be all over the forums? I have a friend who is fluent in maori. She's on shnat with me. She went to a maori immersion school for primary. Fucking cool.
sorry tamsyn. *orgasm's all over tamsyn* is that better, i mean it will keep our forums tidier in the future. and wow a maori emersion school would rock, i would get to do cool shit Doug
You're just GROSS, Doug. Did you know that Doug in hebrew means fish? and Dagdagan (doug da gan) means clitoris.
no, but that's good to know... and hell yeah Maori immersion school woulda been cool. I might have to send my kids to one and get them to teach me the language
LOL tamsyn, yeah i am gross. and thanks for the heads up on the fish thing. is this perhaps why your fish was called doug? is that fish still alive by anychance. and OMG i wish my name got me more clitoris. but unfortunatly it doesn't Doug
LOL gloria. my tradgic clitorisless life is not hilarious, its increadibly sad and tradgic and all that other sympathy requiring stuff . (does the sympathy vote work for getting clitoris? ) Doug