Hello, my name is ummm...Blueskygemini. You can call me Bluesky for short. Or Studmuffin. How about Jeff? Take your pick, I'm not choosy...too much. I'm a 6'-2", 170 lb. handsome (per many women's compliments) Caucasian male that just began his 6th decade on this crazy flat earth (yes, I believe it's flat - ask me why). My line of work is construction and building whatever somebody wants, and it's kept me in shape physically. All my parts work! Even Mr. Winkie - surprisingly, even after the 30 minute hoover suck off masturbation sessions when I was 13 and being caught by dear ol' Mom with her beloved vacuum! My young lust did have unintended consequences however that have turned out to be very positive and self esteem reinforcing In my free time I enjoy listening to Rock - n - Roll, brewing craft brews & ales, drinking craft brews & ales, cooking and devouring kick ass food, gardening, hiking, camping, exploring, prospecting for gold, minerals & precious stones, going inside creepy old mines, observing art, creating art, being a part time activist against those whom sh!t upon anybody else or the planet in any way, learning, good conversation, restoring antiques, history and yes, I'm sorry, conspiracy theories. Oh yeah, and debate... as long as I'm somewhat informed about the subject of said debate and it remains civil. My view on politics is that both parties suck! Come on! They sure as hell don't represent me! Not when they casually give themselve's annual cost of living pay increases while forgetting about raising the minimum wage for 15 years in a row. My thoughts on religion are that I highly doubt we were born at first out of a foaming quagmire puddle of soup consisting of rain water, bird shit and some minerals. Neigh, there's got to be a higher, more intelligent life form of some sorts that had cast us into this world, this place, this... this simulation of virtual reality that is indedtinguishable from reality. Maybe it's a simulation within another simulation. Or a simulation within another simulation within another simulation... Infinity... Causing the universe to be expanding quickly outward at incredibly fast speeds. Who knows? I think we will find out. But I prefer doing things to each other, to all of the earth's creatures and Mom herself that create feelings of warmth and happiness, not fear and regret. Do to them as you would have them do to you. Karma can be a great instructor or a cold hearted bitch. Anyway, I'm a self thinker and enjoy living, loving and savoring a cute gal's tasty sweet lil' honey pot. For sure! Nice to meet you!
Welcome to hip. Nice here hard work, construction, kept you in shape. It did the same for me til I turned 60, now, 11 years later the wear and tear is catching up, but it's still a flat line to look down at my toes.
Hey bluesky. Welcome and you're sure to find forums for your many interests. Settle in and enjoy. Your song? Blue Skies, by Ella Fitzgerald.
Honesty. I say things how I see them! Thanks for your comment! ✌️❤️ Sometimes it benefits me and sometimes it doesn't. I can be no other way!
Thanks! I hear you on the construction thing. I did get a job this past spring pouring concrete and realized my age had advanced more then my concrete pouring endurance...I didn't make it until lunch time! Self employeed now...a struggle at times