Occult Horror

Discussion in 'Horror Movies' started by Shaw-Min, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. Shaw-Min

    Shaw-Min Member

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    I'm looking for some suggestions of movies. Got any good ones?
  2. blackcat666

    blackcat666 Senior Member

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    a couple of oldies but a couple of goodies!
    mario bavas' 1960 classic 'black sunday' and his 1958 classic 'black sabbath.'
  3. lavender waze

    lavender waze Member

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    BLACK SABBATH was my scariest movie when i was around 11. a bunch of us girls were at a "slumber party" and this movie came on and scared the shit out of us. specifically, the one with the old lady and her ring and the drop of water. (it's a trilogy) we were screaming and scaring each other silly the rest of the night. good times.

    SUSPIRIA is also another old occult classic worth a looksee.

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