I get these crushes every so often that are really almost obsessive! It's like that person is all I think about. Before it was one of my professors and now it's the UPS man at work! I thought I was over him, but yesterday was really hot and he came in with his shirt unbuttoned and he looked so good! They never last too long though, so I'll be over it soon
Anyone ever obsessed over someone to the point where they will kill to be with that person if they wanted someone else but you?
Oh...no. But that's depressing I'm sorry if you feel that way, that must be crappy. But it gets better! It does. So just hang in there and you'll get through!
I don't know if I have had an obsessive attraction , but well maybe one..lol. Anyway, I would imagine that they're normal depending on how you handle them. Also, it's not just you, UPS men are hot. I like mail carriers too, something about those uniforms...lol.
Okay, I just had the best dream EVER, EVER, EVER! Man this feels horrible, I'm obsessed with someone who doesn't even exist and all I wanna do is go back to sleep.
I don't get many obbsessive crushes because I am way too picky when it comes to guys. But when I do like someone I usually fall pretty hard.
AWWWWWW.........crushes are fun. but when they preoccupy your every thought, then you need to find something else to concentrate your energies. however, i have been there before. dammit. i want someone to think about me all the time. how do i get someone to do that
i've had lodes of obsesive crushes, my most recent has got have been my crush on johnny depp, he's been my favourite actor for years but a few months ago i started a deep crush on him & now i have all of his films on DVD that he's stared in which has cost me nearly £200.
Christine and Marie, my obsesive crush services are for hire should you ever find yourself in dire straits